Club Constitution & Privacy Policy

Constitution of the DeLorean Owners’ Club (UK)

The club was formed on 27th October 1995 by Simon Lees-Milne and Dave Howarth; the following is the constitution of the DeLorean Owners’ Club (UK) as redrafted December 2007 and with minor revisions July 2009 & May 2018 for GDPR

1. NAME.

The club shall be called the DeLorean Owners’ Club (UK) (the club)


The objectives of the club shall be:

i. To further the interest in, the preservation of and the use of the DeLorean DMC-12.
ii. To help DeLorean DMC-12 owners and enthusiasts share the enjoyment of the DeLorean car.
iii.To increase public awareness and appreciation of DeLorean cars.
iv. To promote the DeLorean DMC-12 at car shows, exhibition and other appropriate regional events.
v. To provide help and guidance to members by way of technical information, advice regarding availability of spares and assistance where possible.
vi. To publish a club magazine as frequently as possible but no more often than quarterly.
vii. To sponsor a web based forum where members and others can exchange information and ideas regarding the DeLorean.


Membership shall be open to all persons regardless of whether they own a DeLorean car or not.


The management of the club shall be entrusted to a committee consisting of no less than five (5) members, elected annually at the annual general meeting (AGM). All the members of the committee shall be eligible for re-election. The committee will meet as often as deemed necessary but at least once a year other than at the AGM. Three (3) committee members will form a quorum.


The club officials forming the committee shall be:
Honorary President
Regalia Secretary
Technical Advisor
Forum Administrator
Club Historian
Website Editor
All club officials, other than those noted in clause 8, shall be fully paid up members of the club. A member can hold more than one position, except that no member can be Secretary and Treasurer at the same time.

The Honorary President can reside at meetings, have the casting vote at committee meetings and act as general representative for the DeLorean Owners’ Club (UK).

Secretary shall;
Carry out the day to day running of the club.
Generally act as a focus for club members.
Encourage prospective members to join the club.
Collect dues and regularly liaise with the treasurer over the financial status of the club.
Keep an accurate membership list and report to the AGM on membership numbers and changes.
Seek out member benefits.
Provide insurance valuations.

The Treasurer shall handle all money matters of the club, maintain a bank account on behalf of the club, keep a record of all expenditures, regularly liaise with the secretary on the financial status of the club and advise the committee and members at the AGM of all financial matters.

The Editor shall endeavour to produce a maximum of four magazines each year depending on club funds and the numbers of articles contributed by members. The Editor will have full responsibility for content. The Editor can act as a focus regarding the design and production of any other printed material used by the club, such as exhibition literature and club membership application forms to ensure uniformity of presentation style.

The Regalia Secretary shall purchase, maintain, stock and sell to members and non-members club regalia such as T-shirts, hats, badges etc. The Regalia Secretary shall maintain a separate bank account for regalia items on behalf of the club, provide a report of finances at the AGM and regularly liaise with Treasurer and Secretary regarding purchases and regalia funds.

The Technical Advisor shall help members on technical matters and act as a custodian of technical information.

The Club Historian shall control club-owned general literature and where possible maintain as much historical information of the club and the DeLorean DMC-12 as possible.

The Forum Administrator shall maintain the DeLorean Owners’ Club (UK) forum, and back-up information as appropriate.

The Web Editor shall maintain the DOC website, update and back-up as and when required.

The other officials, such as Regional Representatives, though not members of the management committee, who help the regional development of the club, can be appointed at the AGM whenever required.


The committee and Regional Representatives will organise club events from time to time, details of which will be posted in the magazine and on the web based forum.

All members are encouraged to let the membership know of events throughout the country and abroad that would be suitable for members of the club to attend.


The committee shall have the power at any time to fill any casual vacancy among the officers of the committee. Any officer or member of the committee so appointed shall hold office only until the following AGM but will be eligible for re-election.


Life honorary members may be conferred by the club at an Annual General Meeting in recognition of services rendered to the club. Life honorary members shall be entitled to enjoy all rights and privileges of membership of the club.


The annual subscription shall become due on either, 1st February, 1stMay, 1st August or 1st November closest to the anniversary of a member joining. The annual subscription for the UK and overseas members will be established at the AGM and any increase can only be approved by members at an AGM. Family membership will be available at a rate decided at the AGM for up to three (3) members of one family. One copy of the club magazine will be sent to each paid-up member and only one copy will be sent to a family membership household. Magazines will be sent to the address held on file. It is a condition of membership that members keep the Secretary informed of any address changes.

Only the Secretary and Editor will be entitled to complimentary membership to the club. All other club officials and club members will pay the full membership subscription.


If any member fails to pay their subscription within twenty eight (28) days after it has become due then their membership will be deemed as lapsed and that member will not receive the benefits of the club. Membership may be reinstated upon payment of the full years subscription, backdated to the last quarterly renewal date, except in the case of a three month gap then it will be deemed as a new membership, a record will be kept of renewal notifications sent to the last address held on file.

11. FUNDS.

The management committee may, without reference to the membership, disburse funds as it shall deem fit for any purpose defined in the objectives of the club. In the event of the dissolution of the club, the balance of any assets shall be divided equally between all persons whose membership current at the time of dissolution.

The Treasurer shall receive all monies on behalf of the club.All payments out of club funds shall be regulated by the committee. Club funds shall be banked and invested in accordance with the directions of the committee. All cheques drawn on the club’s banking account shall be signed by the Treasurer, except that in the case of cheques drawn in excess of a figure decided by the committee then the Secretary should also sign. In the case of authorities to transfer or withdraw invested funds, the Secretary as well as the Treasurer shall sign. The Treasurer annually shall submit a statement of accounts to the Annual General Meeting for the approval thereof, a copy of which will be published in the next available club magazine.

The Regalia Secretary will maintain a separate bank account for regalia purchases and sales. The Regalia Secretary will consult with and obtain the approval of the committee regarding purchase of additional regalia lines where the total purchase price is in excess of a figure agreed by the committee. The Regalia Secretary shall submit annually a statement of accounts to the Annual General Meeting for the approval thereof, a copy of which shall be published in the next available club magazine.


An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held each year on a date to be announced by the Secretary in either the club magazine or on the club forum at least 56 days prior to the meeting. All persons whose membership is current on the date of the meeting are eligible to attend.

The AGM agenda will be drawn up by the Secretary and will be posted in either the club magazine or on the club forum at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting. The agenda will include candidates for the election and re-election to the posts of club officials.

A Chairman will be elected at the begining of the AGM. The Chairman can be an officer of the club or a member. The Chairman has no casting vote and is only appointed to chair that AGM.

The business of the AGM shall be to:
Recieve an annual report from the Secretary.
Receive a report from the Treasurer of the club accounts and financial status.
Recieve a brief report from the Regalia Secretary on regalia sales and finances.
Elect officers for the forthcoming year.
Elect Life Honarary Members (If any).
Any other business

Any member may submit a proposition or stand as a club official if there are any proposed and seconded in writing or by eMail to the Secretary at least twenty eight (28) days prior to the AGM. Should there be more than one candidate for the possition then a postal vote together with the personal votes at the AGM will select the successful candidate. Only one vote per member is allowed either by post or in person at the AGM.

Any member submitting a proposition will submit in writing their proposition at least fourteen (14) days prior to the AGM. Any proposition recieved within fourteen (14) days of the AGM will not be considered at the AGM.

In order to negate any possible conflict of interest no member who in the opinion of the committee has a vested interest as an officer, agent, organiser, administrator, representative of another DeLorean Car Club, affiliation, association or alliance of any form that may cause a conflict of interest by standing as a committee member of the DOC may stand for election to the committee or hold an office with the club.

All members attending the AGM are eligible to vote. Members unable to attend the AGM can vote either in writing or by eMail sent to the Secretary at least seven (7) days prior to theAGM. Postal votes or votes by eMail recieved within 7 days of the AGM will not be counted in any vote.

All proposals, other than the election of officials, requiring a members vote shall require approval of at least 67% of members attending the AGM including those casting their vote in writing or by eMail. All members including each member of a ‘Family’ membership are allowed one vote each.

Minutes will be kept at the AGM.


An Extraordinary Meeting can be convened at any time and shall be convened within twenty eight (28) days of the written request and signed by at least 10 members of the club. Such request should be sent to the President or Secretary and must state the purpose for which the meeting is required.


All full members of this club shall have following rights to:
hold office in so far that they do not contravene the requirements of Clause 12,
participate in all club activities,
display club regalia,
take advantage of club discounts,
vote in club elections,
receive a copy of club publications,
access technical information.


The web based forum will be made available to members and non-members.

The web based forum will be managed by the Forum Admistrator. Due to the dynamic nature of a web based forum and changes in personal circumstances it may be neccessary from time to time for the committee to appoint a Forum Administrator without reference to the membership in order to ensure the web based forum is properly managed and updated.

Members are to be aware of the Rules and Guidelines regarding the use of the web based forum which are posted on the forum itself. In particular any member who uses the forum in any way, directly or indirectly, to discredit the club, the committee, members of the committee, members of the club or Guests to the forum will have their membership withdrawn. In addition, members must be aware that members who fail to comply with the Rules and Guidlines for using the web based forum will automatically have their membership withdrawn. The impersonation of other members or the use of expicit, obscene or vulgar language or images and/or messages, including rascist remarks will not be tolerated.
The Rules and Guidelines regarding the use of the web based forum may be altered from time to time without recourse to the membership. Changes to the Rules and Guidelines will be highlighted on the forum but members are advised to review the Rules and Guidelines periodically.


Members, who own their own DeLorean, must, by law, have their own insurance. Members participate in club events at their own risk and shall look to their own insurance agent for any liabilities. The club takes no responsibility for vehicles damaged by whatever cause at a club event. All club members acknowledge that information about them is sorted in an electronic database for use by the DOC (UK) only. Under the General Data Protection Regulations , any member is entitled to have access to the information stored about them, please see our separate Privacy Policy:


The committee shall have the power to expel any member who shall offend against the constitution of the club or whose conduct shall, in the opinion of the committee, render them unfit for membership of the club. Members under the threat of expulsion will be informed in writing either by mail or electronically and shall have the opportunity of writing to the Secretary to answer complaints made against them. The committee will then review the original expulsion and decide whether it reamains valid or should be rescinded.


No alteration or addition to these rules shall be made except by a resolution carried by a majority of 67% of the members present at an AGM.