DOC 2021 Club 25th Anniversary Event. Silverstone 1st August 2021
It has been very difficult for organising any events over the last 12 months, Claire has worked really hard to put put this small event together, normally we would have a full weekend planned but circumstances have prevented this. Unfortunately getting places to commit to allowing us to visit as a small group have been less than helpful, to the point of not even responding to emails. Therefore whilst we will still try to call this a weekend event we have only been able to commit to a Sunday show at Silverstone. This does not mean that we won’t do something on the Saturday 31st July but I’m afraid you will need to check the forum for updates on this. If nothing else then a get together in the evening and a tech session in the afternoon will be in order! Saturday 31st July 2021 To be advised! Sunday 1st August 2021 We are going to spend the day at the giant Siverstone Classic Event: www.silverstone.co.uk/events/the-classic We have been invited by Silverstone to be part of their Silverstone Classic Event on Sunday 1 August 2021. They want to celebrate the DeLorean’s 40th anniversary and give us a Club display area, and also let us do a parade lap of Silverstone Circuit. We have an allocated area for displaying our DeLoreans, The cost for this *is* £69 per car and that includes 2 adult passes, Club infield parking, etc. Now, we know this is expensive, so I have spoken to the Committee, and it has been universally agreed that the Club will subsidise this to the tune of £20 per DeLorean, so assuming each car has 2 people in it, it will cost you £24.50 for the Sunday (per person) However this does include all the attractions that the event has to offer. Far to much to list in this newsletter so please have a look at the website for full details. But include: Live racing/Fun Fair/Live music plus a huge classic car show. To purchase tickets for the car club display package please visit this link: www.silverstone.co.uk/events/the-classic/car-clubs/car-club-display-packages and use the code: 149CCD2021 This code needs to be entered in the promotional code box just prior to the ‘pay now’ button. You will then receive a confirmation email with a link in it that you MUST complete to enter your vehicle details in order to finalise the booking. This will reduce the cost down from £138.00 to £69.00 for a car and two occupants. The club will then refund you £20.00 either on the day in cash (or whatever option suits you best) to thank you for being a valued club member. For non Delorean owners but club members please use this link to book: tickets.silverstone.co.uk/ticket.aspx?series=21CLASSIC&fixture=21CLASSICSUN again there will be a refund to each club member of £10.00. Please advise Claire that your attending: treasurer@deloreans.co.uk so we can have an idea on numbers, clearly if you wish to attend the full weekend or any other days the discount code will still work The deadline for purchasing discount tickets is 31st May 2021, after this date they will be at full price. We will still honour the £20.00 refund to members however!