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Door mirror removal
Hi does anyone know how you remove the glass from the door mirrors without breaking it?

My passenger one wobbles about so I want to get behind to see whats loose.

VIN: 6511
Hi Dan,

Use a hair drier to heat the glass, this will soften the adhesive gum that holds the glass on.

Conor Doyle
DOC 519
VIN 10447 & 1866
Oh blimey, I thought there must be a way of uncliping the whole thing rather than ungluing it :roll:
VIN: 6511
nope - it's glue Sad

if it's original glue, you should be able to just pry it off wiht your fingers.

when i came to remove my mirrors, it was really easy. if they're on properly or have been re-glued, then yeah, hair dryer. Sad
Oh joy! :roll:

Any idea what could be loose or worn inside to make it flop about?
VIN: 6511
page 17 of this install guide: ... ctions.pdf

shows two strut things that attach two sides to the rear of the housing. it's possible that one of these struts has come loose. I take it you don't have full control over the mirror. does it tend to twitch when you move it so far?


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