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Reversing lights repeatedly blowing fuses...
Morning folks, interesting one this time...

Every time I engage reverse (this in on an Auto, by the way), the 10A reversing light fuse (no.16) pops. However, if you then leave the car in reverse, and put a new fuse in, all lights up as normal. Then take it out of R, lights go off – re-engage, and the fuse pops again. Grrr – running out of spares!!

So far, I’m thinking:

1. Higher rated fuse (can be risky but might try a 15A for trial purposes only
2. Replace the normal incandescent bulbs with LED ones to reduce the current draw.

Does anyone have any other ideas/ suggestions/ potential causes?
Richard Hanlon
DOC 393

1981 DMC-12 VIN 06126
Could the reverse light switch be dodgy? Or are the wires going to it slightly melted on the cross over pipe?
Vin #4087
dmc4087 Wrote:Or are the wires going to it slightly melted on the cross over pipe?


You may just have got it there my good man! I've a vague recollection something got crisped at one stage - you may just be right...!


Richard Hanlon
DOC 393

1981 DMC-12 VIN 06126

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