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EVENTS - general
Hello all,

as you may have seen earlier by my message on the Whatsapp group, we are keen to move with the times and offer the range and variety of events that will continue to appeal to as many members as possible.

We know that there is no 'one size fits all', and that there is no one thing which will be suitable for all people based on either timing, duration, distance, costs, accommodation, what the plans are for the day etc etc.

The general format of the DOC weekends has been to move around the country (a key pledge), and to offer a generally car/ motoring themed day, as well as a general interest attraction day, to help broaden the overall appeal.

I will shortly be sending out a member survey via Survey Monkey which will anonymise all answers and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to have their say.  

Meetings can be anything from local pub trips, regional shows, annual events, road trips - whatever you would like them to be!  Not everything will appeal to everyone but the more we offer, the more likely we are to find something or someone  nearby, which will get people and motor cars together - after all, using, enjoying and nattering about DeLoreans is what we are all about!

The other things to note is that not everything has to be centralised through a formal meeting or an events committee or anything (I'm not a committee member or anything myself...) - any member is welcome to publicise their own events on here or the Whatsapp group, and try to get some cars and owners together.

Please add your thoughts below!

Richard Hanlon
DOC 393

1981 DMC-12 VIN 06126

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