17 Dec 2013, 16:28
Issue 62 of DeLorean news has been mailed out today, hopefully everyone should get this in time for Xmas (perhaps not overseas) As ever a huge request, this is your club magazine without your contributions we cant produce it. therefore please can you send in any articles to Eddie be it what you have done or your car/shows you have been to in fact anything remotely DeLorean related. The more we get the more mags we can produce and the quicker we can get them out to you.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event: http://www.deloreans.co.uk/forum/showthr...p?tid=6056
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
2021's DeLorean event: http://www.deloreans.co.uk/forum/showthr...p?tid=6056
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584