steve.s Wrote:Hi
to get rid of the lambda system, can you not just remove the idle speed motor, block the holes and adjust the mixture using the screws?
i did this to get my car running and ran perfectly!.
No and Yes.
What you describe is removing the idle speed control valve.
You can replace the idle speed controller with an auxiliary air valve (aav)from a volvo.
An auxiliary air valve is a gate valve operated by a bi-metallic strip.
This lets extra (venturi metered) air past the throttle plate and acts like a fast idle on a choke.
Feed the wires for the aav to the idle speed plug and fit to +12v and earth pins (don't have the diagram in front of me)
Screw all 3 brass screws down.
Unscrew the 2 nearest the bumper by 3 full turns.
Unscrew the back one by 7 full turns to get a starting position.
Once the engine is at operating temperature, screw the back one in or out to set the idle speed to about 850rpm.
To remove the lambda control, just disconnect the oxygen sensor, this puts the bleed off valve (frequency valve) to fixed 50% duty cycle.
On a de-catted car (ie as in your turbo) do the above and set the fuel mixtture manually to at 1% CO (or 2-2.5%CO Turbo)
If the fuel computer doesn't buzz the bleed valve (frequency valve) either remove the computer and replace the chip inside (LM2902N Op Amp approx £0.30) or get the complete volvo K-Jetronic parts.