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Repainting Front Bumper
Hi, Has anyone had their front facia/bumper repainted? Not so much the Silver paint as the matt black strip that surrounds the indicators.

It appears that my bumper has had the matt black painted, and it looks original!

While preparing it for a silver repaint the matt black has come away to reveal a very very dark grey of the original bumper plastic.

I'm looking for a good paint product to replicate the Factory Matt black finish, can anyone help?

VIN 4532

try the lads (and lass) down at PJ Grady you can ring them on this Num 01268 680 278. they should be able to sort you right out.
DOC was#520 Now#910, VIN# One Day
DeLorean Fund:On Hold (All Money On Kids!
I Need A FIVE Seater.

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