No Stuart we didnt actually speak, I was going to but you were busy chatting with a onlooker, you were probably explaing flux dispersal or time travel paradox. so I could tell you were busy :wink:
Seriously I saw the car from a distance, first time id seen one "for real" and was very impressed how sleek it looked and how it stuck out from the rest . maybe just cos you left the doors open and its huge ears were flapping,
but when i looked in the engine bay, and expected to see some huge lethiathon of an american engine, I was surprised to see a simple Renault V6. or PRV as you prefer to call it.
And it was at that moment I thought I can work on that, and one day I will have one, and sure enough in about 3 weeks I will.
So if this venture all goes wrong, remember its ALL YOUR FAULT
Only kidding