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Clutch replacement
New Clutch is in and is amazing, so much better to drive its fantastic, had it done a week last tuesday and been out in it ever since! Big Grin
MMMM, looks like i'm next. Up until today, I never had a problem with a slipping clutch, even though i've thought to myself it will need changing soon because of the judder! And there never seemed like a lot of meat on pedal release between gear changes. I did notice the fluid had dropped a bit since the last time I checked it, but thats probably the reaminder of the clutch worn away maybe? I topped it up, but it had no effect. I dont think there is a leak or a problem with the slave, master, or lines, as they have been replaced in the past few years. Seems such a shame as the car absolutely flew through the MOT last week. I think these things are thrown at us in life to test our patence! It's now a priority job for me, even though I only get the worst slip in 4th and 5th....... until today, nothong at all.... ARGH! :x

I can see the relavent part numbers etc thanks to you guys, so I will buy the kit this week, then pester my local garage to get it done... Could be the hardest part! LOL

Let you know how I get on, and any advice would be appreciated!

Quote:and any advice would be appreciated!

Might be worth checking your oil seals once you get the box out. My clutch was perfectly OK, but severely contaminated with gearbox oil from a leaking seal......
Richard H. DOC 365 VIN 1274
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.
Seems like its a "suck it and see" job then! No significant loss of gearbox oil last time i checked, but who knows? Funny its only started today, with no sign of even minor slip before.... It will all come out in the wash! LOL Smile
My clutch juddered long before it slipped and like yours was intermittent. Mine deteriorated quite quickly in the last few months before being replaced in August. Not bad though and at least it failed gradually. I did get 26k miles out of the original 27 year old clutch.

Chris Hawes
DOC 138
Ex owner of VIN 5255 Grey, 5-speed
Quote:then pester my local garage to get it done... Could be the hardest part! LOL

Probably right! The guy who did mine said he'd never do one again! Just use sweet talk about in being straight forward, as Its a renualt engine blah blah blah and youl be fine Smile

Good Luck, If it goes right then it'l probably feel like a new car to drive! I highly reccoment getting it done on any orig81-83 clutch. Mine had 90.000 on it so not a bad innings really.
Cheers Chris

Mines just coming up to 29.5 K and I presume its an original clutch, as ChrisS didn't replace it. It's always juddered a little. I am a little biwildered at the loss of fluid though. Is it possible for the resevior to go from maximum to about half way in 6 months? There is definately no leak at the pedal end, but if i'm thinking correctly, a complete loss of fluid would only result in not being able to depress the clutch and change gear therefore maximum cluch bite at all times until fluid is back in the system. Am i right? I can't possibly see that a bleed will make it any better, but when it's replaced, it will be bled also.
How different will it feel with a new one ? Smile
Try re-bleeding the cluth hydraulics first, you may be lucky (cheaper than a new clutch) !

If it works and there is further fluid loss then chances are the slave cylinder may be leaking.

If it does't work then at least you have tried before committing to the clutch change.

Good luck.


get plenty of quotes for changing your clutch matey Smile

I was originally quoted over £600, but bought the clutch myself for just over £100 from German & Swedish (including delivery) and Andy Carvosso of AC Motors in Southend fitted it for less then £300.

Obviously, Southend probably isnt an option for you, but any half decent garage worth their salt will be able to change your clutch - Andy did mine in less then 5 hours, and the 'book time' is apparantly around 10 hours.

Good luck Smile
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Quote:How different will it feel with a new one ?

10 Times better! I stalled it right away cause it was so light on the pedals :p As for a leak/fluid, half a measure in 6 months sound abit too much to me but I'm no expert. Is there any leakage in the Drivers footwell going behind the carpet? I noticed the reminance of a previous leank in mine when re sticking the carpets down.
The clutch bite is much lower down and the peddle is a little lighter maybe? It is great to be a able to change gear quickly and with no judder/slipping!

My gearbox was leaking out of every seal so that was refurbished at the same time.

I had my car shipped down to Martin's workshop and very happy with the results. Big Grin

Chris Hawes
DOC 138
Ex owner of VIN 5255 Grey, 5-speed
No leak into the footwell, new master, new slave, SS lines..... Maybe i should have added that when i first backed the car out of the garage yesterday, it was tricky getting into reverse and the clutch did feel a bit unusual. Then as i accelerated onto the dual carraigeway in 3rd, it went from 2000RPM to 3500RPM. The more I purposely accelerated, the more it happened. I think the best way is to just change it, bleed it end of story... I'm not usually one who does things by halfs, I just hope the garage is up to it..... And southend is a little far Claire, but if I know the job is going to be done properly, and on a "while I wait" basis (I know its a good 5 hours at least), I dont really mind travelling. The good thing about the local garage is that its virtually next door to where i work, and he's specialised in older cars rather than the real modern ones, even though i've seen complete Subaru WRX engines and boxes out in there. I'm worrying too much I'm sure! And Rich's description does look daunting, I must admit! I'm not gonna show him that, and like scott says, just tell him its a renault engine, easy peesy! LOL
Picking the clutch kit up from GSF tomorrow, £92, and i dont have to pay the VAT... Beat that! Job scheduled for the 12th November, so I'll let all know how it goes...... Smile
Eh job! Smile
TheOriginalMrP Wrote:Picking the clutch kit up from GSF tomorrow, £92, and i dont have to pay the VAT... Beat that! Job scheduled for the 12th November, so I'll let all know how it goes...... Smile

great stuff dude! Big Grin

And like you say, at least your local mechanic, who you obviously know and trust has got enough of a brain by the sound of it to know what he's doing.

I'm always nervous about going to garages I dont know, and will always go on other peoples recommendations and experiences. Likewise, if someone asks me about a garage that I've used, I'll be happy to either recommend them/tell them I had a bad experience to anyone who asks me my opinion based on my own personal experiences.

Let us know how you get on - btw, you and Kel coming to the NEC next month?

Seeya soon,
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie

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