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Ok, So I made a Delorean saving chart, have a look.
Reynolds Wrote:You do realise though once you have fully coloured in the chart and can buy the delorean, you rub out what you coloured in and start colouring in again by how much you spend on it as the years go by" :lol:

Regarding speedos, i was passing some car today which had a big digital speedo and I noticed that theirs read 73mph, i was overtaking and mine only read 70! I always thought that driving low to the ground made it feel faster :twisted: In fact I've have just been speeding the last two years.
our piccasso always reads about 75 mph but both the sat nav and speed camera detector read about 71. I did read somewhere once that manufacturers set them deliberetly high. Also when I built a kit car a few years ago as part of the SVA test the speedo was checked. A pass was allowed if it displayed the speed to high but not if it was to low.
When we have had the speed camera detector in the D it reads spot on with the speedo.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
ok if i was to make one itd look something like this

[Image: newsig.PNG]
DOC 527
Vin #10264
Hey Mike

I like it !!

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