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DOC 2021 Meet - Take 2!!
Hi all,

after Covid, associated restrictions, and a change of event by Bicester Heritage scuppered our original plans for a 
2021 event, we have revised plans subject to confirmation and final details sorted.

We are now planning on having the event of the weekend of 31 July - 1 August 2021. 

The plan, if possible, is to visit Gaydon as previously planned on Saturday 31 July, and still use the Premier Inn at
Bicester as our base for the weekend.

However, we have been invited by Silverstone to be part of their Silverstone Classic Event on Sunday 1 August 2021.  
They want to celebrate the DeLorean's 40th anniversary and give us a Club display area, and also let us do a parade
lap of Silverstone Circuit.  The cost for this *is* £65 per car and that includes 2 adult passes, Club infield parking, etc.

Now, we know this is expensive, so I have spoken to the Committee, and it has been universally agreed that the Club
will subsidise this to the tune of £20 per DeLorean, so assuming each car has 2 people in it, it will cost you £23.50 for 
the Sunday.  My previous offer to also subsidise entry to The British Motor Museum at Gaydon stands too.

Please leave it with me to sort things out this week, but I would appreciate feedback from members as to what you think
about taking part in this prestigious event at Silverstone as part of our joint 40th/25th anniversary celebrations.
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
That sounds awesome. I've never been to Silverstone, and considering it's so close to where I live, this is a fact that is well over due being rectified.

So i should change my booking at the Premier for Friday 30th July to Sunday 1st Aug then....once you give the official word this is definitely the plan.
(Forum Member 288)
(DOC Member 663)

May 1981 vin#1458 "LEX"
Grey, Flapped, Black
Chassis: #1073
Engine: #2839

Main Car(s):
2005 BMW M3 in Velvet Blue
2010 Honda Civic Type R in Sapphire Blue (1 of 115 made)
Sounds great, count me in. Gives me a deadline to get 10855 back on the road.
Brilliant news for Club members only I assume? Time to get signed up folks....
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
(28 Feb 2021, 21:52)Guinney1971 Wrote: However, we have been invited by Silverstone to be part of their Silverstone Classic Event on Sunday 1 August 2021.  
They want to celebrate the DeLorean's 40th anniversary and give us a Club display area, and also let us do a parade
lap of Silverstone Circuit.  The cost for this *is* £65 per car and that includes 2 adult passes, Club infield parking, etc.

Now, we know this is expensive, so I have spoken to the Committee, and it has been universally agreed that the Club
will subsidise this to the tune of £20 per DeLorean, so assuming each car has 2 people in it, it will cost you £23.50 for 
the Sunday.  My previous offer to also subsidise entry to The British Motor Museum at Gaydon stands too.

Please leave it with me to sort things out this week, but I would appreciate feedback from members as to what you think
about taking part in this prestigious event at Silverstone as part of our joint 40th/25th anniversary celebrations.

Im guessing the 20 quid price per D doesn't apply to us non owners? although my fiesta should pass in terms of colour  Tongue 

Either way im all in for this new plan (if all works well for June)
Vin: 5222, 81 grey auto "Ryuko"

2017 Ford Fiesta 1.0L EcoBoost (silver)

Club YouTube channel creator 

Submit videos for the channel:
I'm still trying to sort something for Saturday 31 July, as Gaydon and Bicester Heritage are booked up
with other events.
Anyone got any ideas? I don't know the area particularly well, so would appreciate some help/ideas please.
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Would really love to join in the Silverstone Classic event. Never been there and being able to drive round the track would be amazing!

Have you considered the Coventry Motor Museum? They have gatherings of classic cars regularly on the plaza outside. Plus it's a fantastic museum! They used to have a DeLorean there a while back as well!
Derfel aka Derv

Oct 1981 RHD DeLorean VIN 4890
1962 Beetle
2013 Transporter T5 Camper
A great idea and a superb motivator to get 10302 finished and on the road!
Are these dates set then? If so I'll get my booking in at the Travelodge.
Probably an idea to get a newsletter out or mention in the next club mag if thats due out soon so those people who don't visit this site or see the social posts know about it.
I'm guessing most people's summers are already getting booked up. I know mine is looking very busy with the backlog of rescheduled events!
Vin: 4468
DOC No: 758
Quote:Probably an idea to get a newsletter out or mention in the next club mag
That's certainly the plan, I know Claire has worked really hard trying to sort this out but with all the restrictions in place and places not responding to emails it's been difficult.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Hi All,

Coventry did come into my thoughts, but then I was wondering about the distance from Silverstone itself, and
the planned hotel stop in Bicester.

As I've drawn a blank with places in Oxford, Bicester and Gaydon, I've contacted Blenheim Palace as a final option
and I'm waiting to hear back.

But I will get this finalised asap.

I have booked us into Silverstone Classic for Sunday 1st August. Price for members will be £45 as the Club is subsidising
the £65 per car entry fee. I am liasing with Neil at Silverstone as to how we do this though, so dont pay any money yet!

Final details will be posted on here, Facebook and in a newsletter as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience,
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
sounds good to me im up for it, we still using the Bicester Premier inn/ Travelodge (not sure which from previous set up) , or we thinking somewhere else?
Vin: 5222, 81 grey auto "Ryuko"

2017 Ford Fiesta 1.0L EcoBoost (silver)

Club YouTube channel creator 

Submit videos for the channel:
Quote:sounds good to me im up for it, we still using the Bicester Premier inn/ Travelodge (not sure which from previous set up) , or we thinking somewhere else?
As above watch this space! I'm still booked in at it, albeit on the wrong dates Confused
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
DOC Summer Event: Saturday & Sunday 31st July/1st August 2021
It has been very difficult for organising any events over the last 12 months, Claire has worked really hard to put this small event together, normally we would have a full weekend planned but circumstances have prevented this. Unfortunately getting places to commit to allowing us to visit as a small group have been less than helpful, to the point of not even responding to emails. Therefore whilst we will still try to call this a weekend event we have only been able to commit to a Sunday show at Silverstone. This does not mean that we won’t do something on the Saturday 31st July but I’m afraid you will need to check the forum for updates on this. If nothing else then a tech session in the afternoon and a catch up in the evening will be in order!
Saturday 31st July 2021       To be advised!
Sunday 1st August 2021
We are going to spend the day at the giant Silverstone Classic Event:  We have been invited by Silverstone to be part of their Silverstone Classic Event on Sunday 1 August 2021.  They want to celebrate the DeLorean's 40th anniversary and give us a Club display area, and will also let us do a parade lap of Silverstone Circuit. We have an allocated area for displaying our DeLoreans, The cost for this is £69 per car and that includes 2 adult passes, Club infield parking, etc.
Now, we know this is expensive, so I have spoken with the Committee, and it has been universally agreed that the Club will subsidise this to the tune of £20 per DeLorean, so assuming each car has 2 people in it, it will cost you £24.50 for the Sunday (per person). Note this does include all the attractions that the event has to offer. Far too much to list in this newsletter so please have a look at the website for full details, but include: Live racing/Fun Fair/Live music plus a huge classic car show. To purchase tickets for the car club display package please visit this link:
and use the code: 149CCD2021  This code needs to be entered in the promotional code box just prior to the ‘pay now’ button. You will then receive a confirmation email with a link in it that you MUST complete to enter your vehicle details in order to finalise the booking.
This will reduce the cost down from £138.00 to £69.00 for a car and including two occupants. The club will then refund you £20.00 (either on the day in cash or whatever option suits you best) to thank you for being a valued club member. For those non Delorean owners or with vehicles not presently on the road but are club members please use this link to book: again there will be a refund to each club member of £10.00.
Please advise Claire that your attending: so we can have an idea on numbers, clearly if you wish to attend the full weekend or any other days the discount code will still apply. The deadline for purchasing discount tickets is 31st May 2021, after this date they will be at full price. We will still honour the £20.00 refund to members however!
Non club members are of course welcome to join, with out the £20.00 refund obviously!

Posted by ChrisW But from all of us!
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Tickets purchased!

Looking forward to it!

Only thing I need now is the "Car Club Code" so I can register the car to get all the passes etc.
Derfel aka Derv

Oct 1981 RHD DeLorean VIN 4890
1962 Beetle
2013 Transporter T5 Camper

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