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VIN 11477 - MOT DAY !!!!
Hi Folks,

Thought a fresh thread would help keep things separate.

Anyway, today was MOT day !!!

Last night I had to replace a leaky fuel line (full set of braided waiting to go on)
I managed to move the original line while trying to replace the temperature sender....... and it started leaking.

Anyway, easy job. and replaced.

This morning was a pre MOT check over. All lights worked, horn, wipers........ I'd already replaced lots of rubbers...... so I couldn't think of much else to do...... except start getting anxious at the fact I'd be driving my DeLorean for the FIRST TIME EVER ON THE ROADS TODAY !!
Not only that, the MOT station is 15 miles away (my regular place) and this distance has been worrying me all week....... what if, what if, what if..... that's all I could think.

And..... as is traditional here in South Wales, the weather was dreadful. It was tipping down!
So I was then also concerned about the damp weather affecting the starting and running........

BUT - I got there! 11477 drove flawlessy!! Honestly, she drove like a dream. 
Acceleration, gear change, handling....... all tight and responsive! I was so pleased!!!

Then the MOT......
[Image: 42784868322_02184130f0_k.jpg]

Well....... after helping my MOT chap set up the new record on the computer (Big Grin) the MOT got underway........

Emissions were tested first............................PASS !!!! Yes, all emissions were perfect!!

Then all the usual MOT tests started..... brakes, hand brake..... etc...
Up in the air....... all looking good under there!!!! Phew.....

The tester was impressed...... he could see all the parts I'd replaced and the effort put in to get her where she is today.

And YES....... SHE PASSED !!!!!!!! With NO ADVISORIES!!!!!!!

I am super, super pleased. I drove her the 15 miles back and enjoyed the drive once more.
And I just can't stress enough how fun she was to drive. 

I've been a long time DeLorean lover from afar....... but today, having driving one (my own!) I am even MORE in love.
She's rough around the edges.....sure...... do I care? NO! She's mechancally sound and drives spot on.....
I can now start to tidy her up as I enjoy....

Now, on to filling in the V55 and suporting documents to get this beast fully road legal!!!! WOOOOOOO

DOC #230

VIN 11477 Jan '82
2010 Range Rover V8
2013 Mini Cooper S Works

Tristan J Carroll
Swansea, South Wales
Very well done Tris...great news !! you've worked hard...

You have got to know your car well and as the years roll on, you will remember these days and think of when you and your dad worked on it and have 'earned' the right to own such an iconic car.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
Thumbs Up 
Nice one! Respect for getting no advisories regarding the handbrake Cool 

Nick H
DOC 650
Jaguar X-Type
Range Rover Sport SDV6 "Rufus" (Mrs H's motor)
DeLorean DMC 12 Vin#2862

My other hobby...
Chris - thank you. Yes I’ve documented pretty much everything as I’ve gone. Plenty of pics to look back on.
Definately the best way to own one of these is to work on it first. Definately takes the edge off driving it, knowing that it’s properly sorted.

Nick - yes! I’m quite pleased with that! The handbrake is pretty good Big Grin

DOC #230

VIN 11477 Jan '82
2010 Range Rover V8
2013 Mini Cooper S Works

Tristan J Carroll
Swansea, South Wales
Well done Tris!!! - a credit to you and your Dad!!!
That's great news, it must have been raining hard, the poor guy standing by the PC monitor trousers have shrunk!
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Thanks Smithy and Chris W

Chris W - that’s a keen eye you have there!!! Big Grin Big Grin
I hadn’t noticed his trousers !!
DOC #230

VIN 11477 Jan '82
2010 Range Rover V8
2013 Mini Cooper S Works

Tristan J Carroll
Swansea, South Wales
Well done Tris, that's fantastic news, I'm so pleased for you Big Grin
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Thanks Claire!!!

Just waiting for the V5 now  Big Grin
DOC #230

VIN 11477 Jan '82
2010 Range Rover V8
2013 Mini Cooper S Works

Tristan J Carroll
Swansea, South Wales
Its truly great to see you as an owner after all these years Tris, and you've put a herculean amount of work into that car in such a short space of time to get her roadworthy.

I reckon a spot on the Club's NEC stand is calling you Wink
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
(20 Jun 2018, 20:15)Guinney1971 Wrote: Its truly great to see you as an owner after all these years Tris, and you've put a herculean amount of work into that car in such a short space of time to get her roadworthy.

I reckon a spot on the Club's NEC stand is calling you  Wink

Awww thanks Claire Smile
It has been a long road - but well worth it. I loved driving her the 30 mile round trip to the MOT.
Very pokey and handled like she was on rails - even in the wet on cheapo tyres!

I’d love a spot on the stand - but there’s a dent on the rear quarter and “hood”. I won’t get those sorted in time and I’m at the end of my budget now she’s “on” the road.....

I’ll be saving my pennies to get her to Chris N next year I think Big Grin
DOC #230

VIN 11477 Jan '82
2010 Range Rover V8
2013 Mini Cooper S Works

Tristan J Carroll
Swansea, South Wales
Hey, not all NEC cars have to be trailer queens - 15yrs ago Flopsy was on the stand as an example of a 'work in progress' car with dented panels, tatty interior, etc.
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Do you want 4267 this year then? I can put the dust back on...
(21 Jun 2018, 10:04)Guinney1971 Wrote: Hey, not all NEC cars have to be trailer queens - 15yrs ago Flopsy was on the stand as an example of a 'work in progress' car with dented panels, tatty interior, etc.

In that case....... if I’m able, then I’d be honoured! Smile
DOC #230

VIN 11477 Jan '82
2010 Range Rover V8
2013 Mini Cooper S Works

Tristan J Carroll
Swansea, South Wales
It would be great to see a different car on the stand and with such a heartwarming 'back story'.

It was my first 'sit' in a DeLorean at the NEC that got me hooked in the early 90's. Dave Howarth and the rest, made me so welcome. Big Grin  

This is not the same with all car clubs! Sad
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 

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