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Stripping out interior. What steps, in which order?
Hi. Car should be with me after Christmas.
I'll be wanting to remove seats, carpets & some trim for bloody good clean out.
And will be wanting to fit new stereo (seller say original is broken) maybe speakers.
Fit new window switches & rig up rear fog light switch & wiring.
Help, pics, advice very much appreciated.
If you're lucky, it'll ahve the workshop manual with it. My last two did/have.

In any case, you can strip the interior with barely any prior knowledge. I found it very easy. Most screws are exposed and obvious (and those that aren't, are easily Googled).

Seats can be a pain if the car has ever grounded - the bolts stick through the floor. Center console is a half dozen screws. Even the gear knob is just screwed on.

I'm doing the same job, but further along - I don't intend (or want) to strip the interior if I don't have parts waiting. The more you remove, and for longer, the less you'll remember when putting it back Wink
Member 101
VIN# 4566
Former Vins# 5641 (Maddie) and 5284 (Hana)

Take lots and lots of photo's! Ive lost count of the times we said 'no need to take a picture of that….its obvious! '…..well its not…. 6 weeks of 6 months down the line….its far from obvious!

Yes I know this is all engine stuff…but its the same principle. My photo's got us out of clagg dozens of times when we were putting it all together again.
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
Can I get clocks pod/binnacle out for recovering, but leave dash in place?
Or is it screwed under dash?
Ahhhhhh DMC Today on YouTube is my friend. 8)
Quote:Can I get clocks pod/binnacle out for recovering, but leave dash in place?
Yes, easiest to lay on your back in the footwell if your able and look up from underneath.
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