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VIN 4890 in the UK
It's Chris N's place on the island of Canvey :wink:
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
That explains it!

Thanks Chris!
Yep... very, very happy!

I noticed that dent in the photo too, but didn't see it when i was with the car, so i'm sure it can be sorted if there is an imperfection.

Well spotted! It is indeed a DeLorean in the garage in front. I took the photo outside of Chris N's workshop.
As for the dent, if you look closely I think it's just a reflection of a vent or something higher up on the corrugated side of the building.

Also the profile and the shape of the building roof is reflected and on this occasion I think it is a trick of the light and your hood is fine!

Good luck with your restoration!!

Personally, if i'd got a black one…I would copy this…I think it looks great! Make a change from the BTTF one's and so quick to do!
Chris Parnham

Ex RHD Auto's etc.etc

Main Car.. Kia E Niro 4+
Skoda Yetil 4X4.
1970 Jago Jeep.

DOC Club Historian 
So, it's been a while since my last update. In the meantime Mr. Nicholson has been hard at work on VIN4890. He's stripped her down and is currently rebuilding. I've attached a few WIP photos. Hoping to have her on the road by June.
Didn't know he'd emigrated to australia Mr Green
Martin Gutkowski
DeLorean Cars
Haha - i have no idea why it posts them upside down.
Did you say June this year? :lol:
My just purchased US import is an October 81' as well. Mine went to Reno.
Any early history with yours?
When rebuild is finished where is car coming back to?
Good luck, hope to see it one day. 8)
Yeah - only a few months to go now. Can't wait. I bought it about a year ago from a guy in Chicago. I think that is originally went to somewhere in Wisconsin. Chris N (who also has a Oct '81) has all the paperwork, so hopefully I'll learn more when i have a good look through it all. When it's done I'll have it here with me in South East London - which is unfortunately the speed bump capital of the world.

Is yours on the road?
Like 50% of Deloreans, mines not on the road either, Yet! :lol:
If you look at my thread, Vin 5127, I bought a runner but obviously there are always lots of little jobs that need sorting & then the legal UK requirements.
At moment I'm sprucing up the front end.
Any idea (ball-park) of what just the RHD conversion is costing?
I'm not sure exactly - it's included within the total cost. £32,000 covers the car, the transport to the UK, the restoration and conversion. Are you interested in having yours converted? I'm sure Chris N would give you a quote.
Out of curiousity I once asked Chris how much he would charge to convert mine to RHD and from memory he said £9,000 (can't remember if that was inclusive or exclusive of VAT). While I can certainly see the rationale for wanting a RHD car I've taken the view that they left the factory as LHD cars and I prefer to leave mine like that. The car remains very easy to drive and having the steering wheel on the "wrong side" adds to the attraction of the car and is part of its story.
Richard M.
Edenbridge, Kent
VIN 981
Yeah, I hear you, I am just curious to get an idea of prices & the parts/labour split.
Are RHD racks available?
I would imagine it's the sheer number of details (some big, some not so big) that add up cost-wise on a RHD conversion. Things like:

Revised braking system
Clutch hydraulics (assuming manual gearbox)
Relocation of HVAC system
Modification of carpets to include rubber footrest pads for driver
Relocation of handbrake
Fabrication of RHD handbrake cover
Relocation of hood release lever
Modification of pontoon to fit windscreen wipers
Faffing with wiring

And that's before you get to dashboard and kneepads.
1982 DeLorean VIN 12173 (a.k.a VIN 601)
1989 Alpine GTA V6 Turbo

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