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So I'm going to be replacing my axle seals and rebuilding my CV joints soon, which means draining the transmission oil. Just wanted to check if the transmission requires a sealing washer like the standard oil pan?
The workshop manual didn't indicate so, but I wanted to clarify with those who have done this job already since I want to fix the leaky transmission for good.
VIN 4494, Grey interior, 5 speed, October 1981
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If its manual then no washers on either the drain or fill plugs, just make sure you can undo the fill plug before you undo the drain plug otherwise that could be a bad day out.
VIN# 04708, Grey interior, 5 speed, October 1981
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Thanks Mike! I thought that was the case, but didn't want to cock it up so thought I'd ask now whilst putting together an order to Eds
And I have read through a few threads on the transmission change and that chestnut about the drain and fill plugs seems to be a common one. Feel sorry for the few that had to go through that before it became more common knowledge!
VIN 4494, Grey interior, 5 speed, October 1981
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No worries.
I used this guide when I did the oil change on my box: ... n_oil.html
I'm sure there could be a while other thread on what oil to use, but I used the Castrol TAF-X recommended in the above guide (bought from Castrol Classic Oils), and it really improved the shifting on my car. Before I changed the fluid, my car used to struggle to find second gear when cold, since the change it glides into any gear effortlessly regardless of whether it's hot or cold.
VIN# 04708, Grey interior, 5 speed, October 1981
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Thanks for the link to that gearbox oil change guide Mike.
Changed the substance that was mascarading as oil in LJH's gearbox at the weekend. Took the car for MOT (passed

) this evening. Took her for a good blast on the way home. Gearbox is a revelation. 2nd gear is so slick.
No more embarrassing 'crunch' 8) .
If you have never changed the gearbox oil I strongly suggest you take a look. The stuff I drained out also smelt "off"
Nick H
DOC 650
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