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Milton Keynes car show. Sun August 22nd 2010
I am emailing you today to see if you and members of your club would be intrested in coming along to the milton keynes car show 2010.
Have a look at the website for the show be great to have you along.. we have a range of clubs already attending and would love to include many from yours...

please have a look and if you need any more info drop me a email..

Hope to see you on the day

Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
Cliff who also coordinates this event is an AA man who stopped to look at my D today and invited me to this show. He was helping my neighbour get her car started, fuel pump had gone. Even hitting the fuel tank with a mallet didn't knock the pump into life.
£5 entry fee goes to charity.
Car shows aren't really my thing....
VIN #2969
DOC UK # 609
Got the invite for this today, as a fellow AA man will I get a discount if I go :lol: (tight fisted northern type person in me speaking)
Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584

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