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Cool!!! A Quarter!
I was pulling out the carpet from inside the storage compartment behind the drivers seat and found a Quarter from 1977!!!! Cool or what!

Well.................................I thought so anyway.

[Image: 1977Quarter-Heads.jpg]

[Image: 1977Quarter-Tails.jpg]
Paul Birks - DOC5 - Worksop
Cool - I wonder when it got dropped in there?

Hey, did the import tax get paid on that? :wink:
Richard H. DOC 365 VIN 1274
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.
Heh :^)
Its got to have been placed in there. Its not like it fell in there really.
Unless the original owner used to keep his toll money in there!
Paul Birks - DOC5 - Worksop
Wow thats a great find. I wish I'd found something like that in mine.

Maybe it was hidden in there in case anyone from 1955 saw it which could destroy the entire universe.
VIN: 6511
Dan1986 Wrote:Wow thats a great find. I wish I'd found something like that in mine.

Maybe it was hidden in there in case anyone from 1955 saw it which could destroy the entire universe.

Big Grin lol
Paul Birks - DOC5 - Worksop
You guys need to get out more :lol:
VIN 4532

Darren C Wrote:You guys need to get out more :lol:

Says the man who washes and waxes the backs of his wheels :wink:
VIN: 6511
That's cos they got dirty while I was out :wink:
VIN 4532


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