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for anyone with i phone new bttf web app
Hi all my mrs was playing about on here i phone when she is surpose to be working and she came across a new bttf web app it sets your i phone up like the time circuit alarm clock.Even i thought that was quite cool when the alarm go's off the is load's of lightning and sound effects.
just thought i would let you all know thats all
cheers tyson
hana 5284 Wrote:Hi all my mrs was playing about on here i phone when she is surpose to be working and she came across a new bttf web app it sets your i phone up like the time circuit alarm clock.Even i thought that was quite cool when the alarm go's off the is load's of lightning and sound effects.
just thought i would let you all know thats all
cheers tyson

Out of interest, as I keep seeing these add's on the telly how much do these 'apps' cost to get on to your phone? Was wondering if it was worth getting one for the add ons?

Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
diffrent apps vary in cost, some free, some 59p, some £1.19 and then theres £3.49 and then £4.99 those are generally the standard prices. It depends what your after really. Although new iphone model will be out in 2 months tops so may aswel wait if your after oneSmile
DOC 527
Vin #10264
MikeH Wrote:diffrent apps vary in cost, some free, some 59p, some £1.19 and then theres £3.49 and then £4.99 those are generally the standard prices. It depends what your after really. Although new iphone model will be out in 2 months tops so may aswel wait if your after oneSmile

Cheers Mike

Is the reliability any better yet or is this new model to help with this? How will it be different just software?

Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
reliability is fine, i jailbreak my phone so i can do all sorts with it, which can make it a little more unstable but gives you much more options. Standard phone though is really quite relaible. Any time now there duo out the new firmware for it too, which adds some some things, i think maybe copy and paste?

Anyway theres no info untill about the 10th on the new model, all we know is it will have an upgraded camera, bigger hard drive, and i think they are going back to the metal case which i prefer anywaySmile
DOC 527
Vin #10264
Ahh right I will have another serious look at them then. Cheers Mike

Membership Secretary DOC UK
2021's DeLorean event:
VIN#15768 Ex VIN#4584
I have heard that the new i phone will be hi deff vidio cam corder better camera send and res pictures can't wait i will be getting one
The problem with new phones is that they need at least 2 firmware upgrades to make them reliable on the basic things like:

"Talking on the phone"
and bluetooth to hands free kits to sort out he "echo" problems.

You can't beat the good old 3310 and 3410 for basic talking and texting.

yes but iphone has had loads of firmware updatesSmile soon to be 3.0 Big Grin
DOC 527
Vin #10264
I'd been looking at iphones, but I'm abit jaded on new phones now cos I got an LG Viewty
KU990, and I have to say, its total crap and I wish I'd never got it - but it was free with
T-Mobile, and it seemed like a good idea at the time as I really wanted the Nokia N95 8gb,
but it was only available on O2 when my last contract expired.

I'm looking around for a good deal now - but I agree with you Nick, some of the older and
more basic Nokia's are sometimes all you need for basic stuff - my 6101 and 3??? still work
brilliantly - they just lack the camera resolutions and SD card compatability - but hey, I've
still got my old camera tucked away somewhere! lol
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
Hi claire i feel that i am talking for everyone that owns a i phone that it is the best phone that i have ever had and i will now always stick with a i phone it is so user friendly its not funny there is even a app so you can go on it and record anything on ski tv and also at te moment we are looking at cctv cameras round the shop so i can go on the i phone anywhere in the world and see whats happning around the how cool is that hay.

cheers Tyson

oh ps just found another bttf app flux capacitor
yes i will never go back, but it depends how you are with little touchscreen typing etc.
DOC 527
Vin #10264
The iphone looks really handy but I just can't bring myself to get rid of my R290 Sat phone.
Lots of gadgets are fun but nothing's cooler than being somewhere with no signal and the confused
look on peoples faces when your's is the only phone that works!

Nick H
DOC 650
Jaguar X-Type
Range Rover Sport SDV6 "Rufus" (Mrs H's motor)
DeLorean DMC 12 Vin#2862

My other hobby...
lol Nick, I could do with one of those, the mobile signal round here is non existent!!!

I am tempted by an iPhone, but having had such a bad experience with the LG, which
was the first non-Nokia I've ever had, I'm abit wary.

I guess costs are a consideration too - I want a cheaper contract, and would rather
not pay for the phone on top - ah well, you gets what you pay for!

Also, I wonder how much I'd actually *use* the apps on an iPhone? I tend to just do
normal stuff on mine like make calls and pass on text jokes :wink:

Does sound like a nifty bit of kit tho Smile
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
get yourself a wireless fm transmitter and then listen to your ipod in the carSmile
DOC 527
Vin #10264

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