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Member returning
I was a DOC member years ago, when I'd been hoping to buy a red Delorean (I have the details lost in an archive somewhere); having moved from Scotland to Birmingham, and sold our house in Scotland, I'm very keen to own a Delorean and finally get the bug out of my system! I've wanted one since they came out, and after 124 cars, decided to spend all the money I needed to get a new, reliable car that fit my emotional desires, and bought a Citroën C6 (after many CXs, I hoped a new C6 would at least be close without the headaches - it's not close. Not remotely).

The car bug has not gone. I want a Delorean as much as I did years ago, and logic is making me consider a 911 as well, but really it's down to price now. The few I've seen advertised have moved beyond my budget AGAIN. So having found the red one for £10K around 2002, and been short - well, I've a horrid feeling that DMC12 ownership will escape me again.

Even "hiring" one for a year would at least get it out of my system!

If anyone in the West Midlands has a Delorean they'd be willing to show me, I've never seen one close up - and I'm on the lookout from June for one that is affordable and usable. Not a show car; not a project. Just something I can drive and maintain and looks alright.

Edit: FWIW, from 2003 to 2007 I owned three Toyota Seras. So I got SOME of the odd-door fix Wink
Richard - car obsessive, musician, writer, photographer. 149 cars since 1992.
Current: 300C Hemi Touring, SLK 230K, A170 CDi, Xantia

Can also be seen anywhere the 80s can be found, near old computers, and around Market Harborough
Hi Richard,
124 cars - wow! What's been the most interesting out of that lot?

As for an extended loan of a D - you never know, you might get lucky... I was speaking to Dave H yesterday and he was saying he once leant one of his cars to someone for a year a while back. I don't know how often it happens though!

What's your budget by the way? And how risk-averse are you?

If you're prepared to go out on a limb, it is possible to get a usable/affordable car from the States via eBay. That would be your best bet - but it is a little bit of a lottery...

Anyway, welcome back, and good luck!

VIN 7176
DOC 643

welcome back.

i live in the West Midlands, so sometime could see mine, but have to re-commision after 4 months sorned. (fuel filter, batt and maybe alternator)

in addition with the 'credit crunch' i am getting many bad payers in my busines so musing over the idea of selling her.
manual/gas flap/black interior.
could be a bit cheaper than some as i have not finished interior yet. (needs headlining which i have, seat leather).
lots been spent, and looks great with a rebrush by Chris N, fascias painted, wheels restored, hydraulics restored, discs allround/all new pads..the list goes on!.

have not quite decided yet, as i do not want to, put business is harder at the moment.


Steve Saunders
ex owner vin 1621
doc 370
I'll know in June what my budget is liable to be, but around £12-14K was where I was hoping to be when I first thought of this. The red Delorean I looked at in 2002ish (online, never got to go and see it) was in exceptional condition - but red - and was £10K (slightly less, actually, from memory). Less is obviously better as I'm also working towards getting into a state where I can afford the house we're renting at the moment; I'm a photographer and writer so I can generate my own work and have increased what I do by taking on more clients (though I've been happy making well below the norm for that peer group).

It's all been a bit up and down, but having finally sold the house we had in Scotland, my ex & I made a small profit (we had to drop the price by over 30% - when we put in on the market, Scotland's norm was "offers 30% over" asking, so the hit was huge), last month my current partner & I found a perfect farmhouse that the seller had given up on selling and decided to rent out (so we've got a year to sort that). I should focus on that and not be thinking about sportscars and indulgences, but I could - as the saying goes - be hit by a bus tomorrow. In which case, I'd have insufficient cash to do anything meaningful sitting in a bank account, never have owned a Delorean, and it would all be a bit sad. Anyone wanting a haunted Delorean should apply now.

I think the Delorean would be a nice little vehicle to show up for the odd shoot in, but my reasons for ownership are far more emotive, I just love the cars.

Last time I was a little put off by some of the user reports of expense and reliability, which is another reason why I don't want to sink a huge amount into one - I'd like room to fix it when things do, inevitably, go wrong. And if they don't, I see that one firm will stick a slightly perkier engine in the back for £7K...

Interior work is obviously not such a big deal. What I want is something that drives safely and well enough to get around the country occasionally, and looks okay on the outside (no dents or massively warped fascias), has a good MOT and a decent chassis and suspension setup and an engine as healthy as you'd reasonably expect of a PRV. Doors which work right are a bonus.

I prefer grooved fronts to flat fronts, even though I know the later models have a lot of improvements I'd value.

TBH, just being able to view one up close, sit in it and see what the visibility is like...

I'm happy to tinker with electrics and upgrades as long as the basic car will drive and so forth.

The other consideration (which if I had the money, and it wasn't in NI, would swing me towards one I've seen) is finding one I can put an A-prefix cherished number on. It's not a very important consideration though.

I'm quite risk-averse, so the only way a car will be flying over from the US is if I've already won a different kind of lottery and it's been rebuilt in a certain Southern state, and it'll be carrying a twin-turbo conversion.

If anyone was looking at losing a garage/wanting a reasonable fee for an extended loan (I know that depreciation isn't really going to be an issue, but I paid £200/month for my RX8 for example on contract hire; I'm happy to consider a DMC-12 as a "contract hire" car), but I think it would only be something people would do for other existing and well known club members.

The most interesting cars I've owned? It's hard to pick one and none of them have been terribly exciting, so here are some favourites, rather than "interesting".

2006 RX8 - lovely cars, amazing handling, shame about the lack of torque/clutch on the motorway (M6 J21-19 became a sort of personal hell for me)
2008 Citroën C6 - I've yet to see another one when I'm driving it
1987 Citroën CX

And of course, the wonderful little Toyota Sera. I got quite well known in the Sera club for a while (one of the Sera owners also had a Delorean and an Avantime, basically a man after my own heart; I tried to buy an Avantime but couldn't bring myself to spend £17K on one locally when I'd seen them going for nearer £10K at the time elsewhere).

I've also got a fondness for Golf GTi Mk IIs, and other Citroëns with the right suspension. And I've had a Porsche 924S (which is a 944 Lux, not an LT Van coupé) and driven a few interesting things. I've started collecting the cars I've owned in 1:43 scale - found a model of the rare Visa Decapotable last month.

I'm sending off my membership form and crossing my fingers.

Also, if anyone DOES have a project that ends up cheap... well, I'm never short of optimism. I can't weld, though, so chassis repairs would scare me. Buying parts and replacing them does not Wink
Richard - car obsessive, musician, writer, photographer. 149 cars since 1992.
Current: 300C Hemi Touring, SLK 230K, A170 CDi, Xantia

Can also be seen anywhere the 80s can be found, near old computers, and around Market Harborough

yes a painted car would/should be much cheaper as i would say not as desirable, and the condition of that stainless is not known.

most people tend to assume if painted, then expect damaged panels.

its a possibility i would consider hire, but the paperwork could be a nightmare and repsonsibilities of course.

not sure what the rate would be. at present i now of no self drive Delorea for lease.

only ones are with driver for a function, i'd guess at £200-£250 alone! i too tend to think sod it and buy something even if i cannot afford it! not getting morbid but chap i used to work with used to say 'your'e a long time dead!!.

so i bought an MG SVR too, the one driven on top gear, the prototype 5 litre SVR, also driven by the stig!

but i work in the building industry and people are not building (or doing so and not paying up!)

anyway when mine is moted you are welcome to take a good look whether you are interested in buying or not (and not sure or not if i will decide i have to sell), i don't mind.


Steve Saunders
ex owner vin 1621
doc 370
The red car in question was supposedly mint, having been painted from new - I suppose it'd be a brave man to strip it, but I did have that in mind! It looked good though and the fascias were unpainted.

As for "hiring" a Delorean; well, apart from knowing some very good lawyers, I'd assume it would work like any other agreement. It's not something I realistically expect to be able to do.

How is the SVR? I considered a ZT260 but wanted a Rover V8 Tourer with MG suspension and autobox (the manual pedals were cramped) - by the time I was looking seriously, MGR had gone.

Whilst I'm keen to find one, I don't want to incite happy members to sell their cars (and probably won't have the budget to inspire such moves) - but I would hugely appreciate being able to see one close up and be absolutely certain it's not going to be like the Ferrari 328 I nearly bought, and utterly undriveable for my somewhat unflexible body!
Richard - car obsessive, musician, writer, photographer. 149 cars since 1992.
Current: 300C Hemi Touring, SLK 230K, A170 CDi, Xantia

Can also be seen anywhere the 80s can be found, near old computers, and around Market Harborough
yes don't worry, i have not decided i will sell yet.

but yes you can see it/go out in it when it is back on the road.

They are perfectly drivable, very cheap running costs (compared to ferrari etc). maintain their value and creep up generally.

you get loads more looks than anything else...strnager stop and stare/take photos.
Really like being a film star every drive.

cabin can feel slightly get used to it.

and the SVR, mine is 5 litre 400 bhp. bought from MG receivers after lots of negotiation.
clips of it on youtube sarch for MG SVR (and clarkson clip).

is very, very quick ultra rare and again gets lots of attention.

mine is pre SVR production with prototype interior no boot spoiler and a ferrari colour (titanium). the 5 litre was announced by MG some 4 months after mine was on Top Gear.
it is Peter Stevensons own car (the cars designer and McClaren F1), and was finished the early hours before filming.

as you can see i too am very interested in all sorts of cars!.

i do like the Sera (great hifi!) and did import a skyline R32 direct from Japan, another fantastic car.


vin 1621
Steve Saunders
ex owner vin 1621
doc 370
I built a totally new system into my Sera using the SLSS system - new speakers and headunit, the centre speaker was for the handsfree but I never got around to installing the Kenwood head unit I wanted (it went into my MR2 later).

The Delorean I nearly bought was UOH or OUH 670X (I have forgotten between finding the old pictures and typing!)

I must admit that when I bought the C6, I was expecting to spend £40,000 to get the perfect spec. In the end, I got a top of the range one (but in grey instead of black) for £24,000 with delivery mileage - before that I'd been trying to decide if I should have a classic I loved and a modern cheap runabout or just my absolute "perfect" new car. The C6 won out largely due to the lack of a garage at the time and a very determined dealer (Citroën have sold... a handful. The main dealer in Birmingham have sold one a year since launch and I'm possibly the first person under 50, let alone in their 30s, to want one). It was up against the Delorean, the Aston-Martin Lagonda SIV (I prefer S1/II, but I was thinking it'd have to work!) or a 911 Targa.

More to the point, I was planning to spend cash. They dealer did a 2.9% finance deal (and lost £4K off the price for taking it). So... different outlook.

Now I have a garage... Hmmmm.
Richard - car obsessive, musician, writer, photographer. 149 cars since 1992.
Current: 300C Hemi Touring, SLK 230K, A170 CDi, Xantia

Can also be seen anywhere the 80s can be found, near old computers, and around Market Harborough

yes i was tempted on a C6.

i have some trade contacts and could have had a water damage C6 brand new for £5k

i did buy a C4 picasso brand new water damaged for £3.5 k. that for an £18k car.

as long as they are not running in water you have a chance. Main ECU is normally well sealed.
BSI's are not but they are only £130 ish.

i have a fault on the ABS which i am trying to cure (have fitted a used unit) but i think an earth is down!)
the citroen new ABS unit is about £1000! ridiculous.

so water damage is not as bad as it sounds, and some very good bargains
Steve Saunders
ex owner vin 1621
doc 370
Wow, a C6 for £5K would be a bargain indeed. Is there not profit to be made on such things, if you strip and clean them properly?

On the old Citroëns the ABS unit used to be affected by earthing faults, but also failing oil pressure switches. With modern CAN/VANBus cars... different matter entirely - I understand how the systems work and the communications protocols, but they do tend to veer towards "it's a module, replace it" style fault-finding.

I found more of my stuff on the red Delorean; it was allegedly painted from new and belonged to Gavin Dunt. I do wish I'd been able to buy it, but the profit on selling my first house in 2002 basically disappeared on the debts from my first marriage Wink

The C4 Coupé interests me, but I would want oleopneumatic suspension (though compared to a CX or even XM, the modern Hydractive III+ with computers doing the work is hateful, it's like listening to a MIDI file compared to a symphony orchestra). That, and for some reason they don't offer cream in the UK for the car interior. a C4 Coupé with full spec and cream interior, black exterior with panoramic roof would be fantastic (and would deserve a Pallas) branding.
Richard - car obsessive, musician, writer, photographer. 149 cars since 1992.
Current: 300C Hemi Touring, SLK 230K, A170 CDi, Xantia

Can also be seen anywhere the 80s can be found, near old computers, and around Market Harborough
hi yes the C6 was a bargain, it was the top diesel (V6 i think?)

with headup displays electric everything

it was new with the white plastic covering that it arrives at the dealer in.

a dealer up north got flooded, so i had a c4 picasso and a standard 04 plate.
in some cases the water only just comes above the door cill, and the cars are still sold on through trade etc.

making money out of them....a tricky one. the C6 was a cat C, as is my C4 pic.
my other pic though is hpi clear. my C4 owes me about £4.5k (07 plate) was going to try on ebay at about £5.5-6K no reserve with 100 miles on clock, see what happens.

surpisingly, interiors restore very well, if the water is only there a short while, and then drains off (there are pleny of drain holes in the floor or most cars). they are sold off as insurers allow to change everything with new parts ie unrepairable

many engine electric connections are well sealed.
the C4 needed a new battery, starter, BSI unit and a dealer reprogramme.
i have since bought an airbag ecu.
they do make a very, very cheap car. They still have value, if finished i'd guess about 60-70% of a hpi clear car.


Steve Saunders
ex owner vin 1621
doc 370
Hi Richard,

It certainly is possible to get hold of a running, decent D for £12-14k. There was one with high mileage (over 100k I think, but strangely with these cars that's actually a very good sign, will certainly cost you less than one with <5k) up for sale at £13k when I was looking to buy one 6 months ago or so.

You may just have to hang around and see what comes up - there's not that many up for sale at any one time over here!

If you do want to get a feel for the cars and what's involved with them, I'd certainly recommend coming to Eurotec in Norfolk in 3 weeks time. I think all Arran's rooms are booked up, but I'm sure you can find somewhere else to stay close by. There'll be nigh on 40 of the stainless beasts there and LOTS of people to talk to about them.

There's no charge for the event, so even if you just wanted to do it in a day, it'd only cost you the petrol... Worth it I reckon if you're seriously thinking about buying one.

I made the trip to the NEC when I was in a similar position to you, needed to see one up close and really get a feel for it. It certainly made my mind up Mr Green
VIN 7176
DOC 643
Quote:I found more of my stuff on the red Delorean; it was allegedly painted from new and belonged to Gavin Dunt. I do wish I'd been able to buy it, but the profit on selling my first house in 2002 basically disappeared on the debts from my first marriage

Welcome back Richard

I owned that car from 2002-2006

Hi Al,

What was the car like? Was it as good as it sounded? IIRC it had a full workshop manual and all sorts of other nice bits, and a really tidy interior! What happened to it?

jerzybondov: I might try to make it to Norfolk but it's a bit of a hike; however, a 100,000+ mileage Delorean sounds fine to me, I've had a PRV engined car with nearly double that on before. Besides, if I were in a position to do so, the twin-turbo conversion sounds good, so the engine would get a full rebuild.

I shall keep my fingers crossed and wallet closed for a little while, and hopefully the right car will come along before I give in to something else 80s and rear-engined.
Richard - car obsessive, musician, writer, photographer. 149 cars since 1992.
Current: 300C Hemi Touring, SLK 230K, A170 CDi, Xantia

Can also be seen anywhere the 80s can be found, near old computers, and around Market Harborough
RichardKC6 Wrote:And of course, the wonderful little Toyota Sera. I got quite well known in the Sera club for a while (one of the Sera owners also had a Delorean and an Avantime, basically a man after my own heart; I tried to buy an Avantime but couldn't bring myself to spend £17K on one locally when I'd seen them going for nearer £10K at the time elsewhere).

Hi Richard,

the Avi, Sera and DeLorean are still owned by the same person, my OH Phill Wright. (I've got
my own De too Smile )

We live in Derbyshire - ok so East Midlands, not West Midlands - but only a quick run up the
A38 from Brum if you fancy a 'odd doors fix' one weekend Smile

Failing that, we'll have both our De's (plus a few more club members De's) at the Evesham
Festival in Worcestershire, right by the river Avon 5-6 June if you fancy coming down and
chatting cars with a few of us.

The Sera is currently being recommissioned, its waiting for new handbrake cables (£103!! ouch!!)
to be fitted, along with new rear discs and wheel bearings. Just had the exhaust sorted too,
so hopefully wont be too long. Needs a little bit of bodywork, but its still in good shape for a
16 year old car.

Avi has been off the road for 2 years now, and she is in storage a few miles away. Just waiting
for the money to do a full service & MOT and pay for the dreaded road tax Sad I really miss
driving Avi tho, she's summat else and is so comfy and lovely to drive. You can pick one up
now for less then £5k if you dont mind one thats done a few miles.

Anyway, nice to have you back in the DOC, and look forward to seeing you soon.

Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie

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