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coyote rally
hi all i have got to talk quick cuz i am in a hotel in paris.We started the coyote rally today and traveling across europ 2005miles in 4 day i cant put any pics on here cuz the camra has gone a s**t itsself talk soon
Are you doing it in the D Tyson?
VIN 7176
DOC 643
Hi all sorry for the quick message last night but only had 1min 5sec to write it we left Paris this morning and are now on the way to Munich we have done today 454miles and have another 52mile to go. We are on a autobahn just managed to get 125mph out the ford probe. Not bad for a car that cost us 360 pounds so anyway it is really hard on the iPhone while driving at that speed. We are off to Prague tomorow then Amsterdam wedsday .we are spending one exstra day there and then going up to see ed uden if anyone want us to bring anything back within reason just let me back in the uk Friday night sorry I can't post pics but I will when I get back
All the best from the European conection team lightning mcqueen
Have a great rally !

hi mate i remeber you mentioning this rally in march, best of luck with the fund raising TT
Tourettes Tutor
I have the X factor
hey, dont forget those really expensive charges for using the internet on your iphone abroad..
DOC 527
Vin #10264
MikeH Wrote:hey, dont forget those really expensive charges for using the internet on your iphone abroad..
Bit late for that now Mike hahaha!

Yeah best of luck with it all mate!! Big Grin
Kind Regards,
Jonny Jones
DOC #530
Hi all well we arrived back on friday evening aprox 2350 mile from start to finish we had 1 exstra night im amsterdam so thursday morning we went up to edds place here are a few pictures below of the rally hope you enjoy
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Well i have got loads more but i won't bore you with them hope you have enjoyed the pics by the way the delorean edd is working on is a helicopter project for a customer of his in the neatherlands.Thanks again for looking at my page all the best Tyson AKA Team Lightning mcqueen for anyone that is on face book .
ok people what have i done wrong dont seem to see the pics frigging thing i had clicked on Img before each pic then took the pic off photobucket??????any advice tyson
You need to take [img]and[/img]

Off each line ... you have that in twice Wink
This will bring up the album for browsing
Follow my Restoration Progress at
VIN 2456, 2835
DOC 621
Some great pics there. Looks like a brilliant trip. I couldn't help noticing the Reliant Robin. Did it make the trip the ok?
VIN: 6511
plastic pig been chipped dose 110 mph on the auto bahn made it no probs..
All of the cars are brilliant mate Big Grin Looks like you had soooo much fun Big Grin Big Grin
Kind Regards,
Jonny Jones
DOC #530
Hi Jonny yes we had a brill time altogether final mileage was 2179 miles you are off on yours soon arn't you? if you asked me 2 days ago if i would do it again i would have said no.but after plenty of sleep i am deff up for it again next year....just got to come up with a original theme.
all the best tyson

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