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Hi gang,
Well, another big night out with the D brings out yet another problem! :roll:
When I got home and had the car sitting stationary on the driveway, I noticed quite a loud humming sound coming from under the hood...
I'm pretty sure it's the fuel pump and it sounded like it was working overtime!
Does it sound like it is on it's way out?
Kind regards
Carl & Alex Hammond
VIN#11777 (don't ask!!)

It could be your pick up hose off the bottom of the pump is collapsing due to rubber fatigue...
Take the pump out and take a look at the condition of the rubber if its soft / mushy then it could be cavitating when the pump is sucking .
Was the car getting low on fuel ?
I would get a new one in that case or you could try the spring inside the hose trick ...
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Hi Mike,
Still had 1/2 tank (well according to the gauge, but we all know how accurate they are...) :roll:
Are these hose's easy to come by then?
Spring inside the hose trick hey? :?
Best regards
Carl & Alex Hammond
VIN#11777 (don't ask!!)

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Do not touch John's 'improved' baffle kit. I modifed parts from my old baffle to get his to work better and the car still bunny hopped when low on fuel. As far as my experiences go it is a budget kit that doesn't to what it is supposed to do. I ended up replacing his kit with the OEM parts and since then the cars been perfect, even when the low fuel light comes on.
Chris Hawes
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I fitted it as per the instructions, it simply didn't do what it is supposed to do when the fuel is super low.
His newer one has little holes around the base of the baffle:- ... w-kit1.jpg
I wonder if that cured the problem?
Chris Hawes
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Are you sure it's the fuel pump - and not the cooling fans?
If you think it's likely to be the pump - as Bozzy says, test the rubbers first - and look at possibly a new pickup line.
Not sure if your fans are on permanent bypass or not - but worth starting it up and taking a closer look before spending cash on any new parts...
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My pick up hose has started to colapse in very, very hot weather and its only 4 years old.
Quote:Spring inside the hose trick hey?
Carefully wrap a length of welding wire around a suitable rod to form a neat coil along it's length. Push the rod all the way down the pick up hose. Release the wire inside the pick up hose and it will expand inside the hose and prevent it from collapsing again.
It's a very good solution and I'll be doing it to my 'new' pick up hose when I get the opportunity.
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About to order a new fuel pick up hose from Ed to tide me over...
Are these quite easy to install even for a complete novice like me? :oops:
Best regards
Carl & Alex Hammond
VIN#11777 (don't ask!!)

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I had mine out last night. Its really easy to get out but you will get your hand covered in petrol if you try and do it with the tank half full of fuel :lol: Mines got a spring inside it and theres no way it will colapse with that in there.
To get it out you will have to climb into the lugage area!
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i jhave specialt auto,s kit and seems ok.
got to 8th tank and still ran.
although my pump has now died, and fitted the replacement tonight.
only problem i have is fitting the fuel line on the banjo bolt.
just seems a bit short, so when i tightened the hose clip, slipped of and split the rubber!.
i'll try some 7mm and 6mm hose instead for a tighter fit.
so my D is still off the road.
Steve Saunders
ex owner vin 1621
doc 370