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Continuity error in BTTF 1
Hi All,

I was watching BTTF 1 last week on ITV with my 10 year old son. Big Grin

He noticed a continuity error in the Twin Pines Mall sequence.

When the Delorean first appears and Einstein jumps in for the test run there's no pull strap on the drivers door. When he returns from his 1 minute time travel, there's still no door strap, yet in the following sequence when Doc opens the door to leave (before the Lybians arrive) a door pull strap is clearly there.
It stays on throughout the rest of the film if your interested.
Anyone else spot it? How may times have you seen it like me and not noticed!

Best Regards
VIN 4532

Darren C Wrote:Hi All,

I was watching BTTF 1 last week on ITV with my 10 year old son. Big Grin

He noticed a continuity error in the Twin Pines Mall sequence.

When the Delorean first appears and Einstein jumps in for the test run there's no pull strap on the drivers door. When he returns from his 1 minute time travel, there's still no door strap, yet in the following sequence when Doc opens the door to leave (before the Lybians arrive) a door pull strap is clearly there.
It stays on throughout the rest of the film if your interested.
Anyone else spot it? How may times have you seen it like me and not noticed!

Best Regards

BTTF ???...never watched it !


Good one there !
Hi Mike,

Thought you were going to say it was your car they used! :lol:

Best Regards
VIN 4532

talking of errors in films has anyone ever seen the little boy standing in the window of the film 3 men and a baby, no one noticed the boy in the film until after it had come out some say it was filmed in a real apartment and the boy died in the room FREAKY HAY!!!

roll on eurotec

That supposed "ghost" is a cardboard cutout of Ted Danson from one of the shows his character in the film plays. In the cinema it was not seen because it was not included in the cinema cut, once it came out on video it was put back in. If you watch the film you will see the cardboard cutout sitting in the corner of the room, look at the "ghost" and it all comes perfectly clear.

Here is a link to the story.....
Alistair McCann
Northern Ireland
1981 Delorean #Vin Pilot 25
1989 Renault Alpine GTA Atmo.
Talking of errors... there are a lot more in the future scene of BTTF 2... such as accidental show of the rig (roller wheels) of the "floating D", pull straps appearing and disappeared in the next second, wing mirros folded and non folded within seconds....etc... too many to list XD

But I still love the films... if it wasn't the film, I might not be a D owner today! :wink:
Kind Regards,
John [DOC No. 8]

[Image: signature.jpg]
I noticed the other day that in BTTF 2, when the delorean is landing in the year 2012 for the first time (where they land in the alleyway with Jenifer knocked out)

You get a view from behind the delorean, and the big vents on the back are only 'half there'. The lower parts of the vents that extend down over the tail lights are missing, although they are present in a previous scene

hehe =]
0dan1 Wrote:I noticed the other day that in BTTF 2, when the delorean is landing in the year 2012 for the first time (where they land in the alleyway with Jenifer knocked out)

You get a view from behind the delorean, and the big vents on the back are only 'half there'. The lower parts of the vents that extend down over the tail lights are missing, although they are present in a previous scene

hehe =]
2015 mate :lol: Also, the flying D's aren't real cars, they are just mock-ups. You can tell as even the doors aren't moulded correctly (the dont sit in the door spaces tight enough) and there is no door roof lining as such. Pretty well executed though! For example when the D lands in the alternate 1985 at Marty's house, they use a lampost to transition between the fake D flying/landing to the real D driving on the road. All three films = truely epic Big Grin
Kind Regards,
Jonny Jones
DOC #530
The only thing I ever noticed was that when the car is being chased by
the Libyans for the first time in BTTF, the speedo reads different mileages
- so in some scenes its actually 'gone back' a few miles, then when you
cut to the next one its gone forwards again.
Claire Wright  - Club Treasurer
Jul 1981 DeLorean - Flopsy #2292 
Aug 1989 Cavalier 1.6L - Guinney
Apr 2021 Mokka-e Launch Edition - Evie
hi all

as i watch the films on a saturday night ( must watch film night ) i could go on for ever with the things i have noticed but the best thing i have seen is

i know were there is a car looking just like that one Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin Big Grin

in my barn
or over ireland ( good old keith)
or down bristol ( ill at the moment)
& south south ( mr o neal )
one thing i noticed in bttf 2 is that micheal j fox has a twin brother cos i saw him in the car with his mum when he was outside it Smile TT
Tourettes Tutor
I have the X factor

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