Well I fitted my new battery today which came from these people......
http://www.tayna.co.uk/75-60-Numax-Side ... P3141.html
A few points to note.......
Martin was correct about the bigger size listed on this website, it wouldn't have fit.
The one I have bought is slightly smaller than the one that came out from there, and less capacity, but there's not much in it.
The instructions for tightening the battery strap were spot on, my battery isn't moving anywhere now!
Don't cross thread the brass side post screw, a lesson well learnt there.
It looks like the battery that came off is a direct footprint of an 065 battery. If I needed to chop the terminals off the cables, and fitted round post clamps, I would have gone for one of those.
Old Battery, and it's a beast...... Good choice there Chris!
Old Battery Label..... For technical specification, and future cross reference....
Old battery still fitted in compartment.... Notice the snug fit on the bottom....
This is the new battery, it's about 10mm shorter in length than the other.... PS, it does look a lot smaller in this picture, but it's not...
And finally, the fitted battery, complete with perfect clamping strap.....
I did cross thread one of the brass terminal screws, and had to find and cut a bolt to fit afterwards, as it kept slipping out.
This new battery has a 3 year warranty, and it was £85 delivered to my door in 2 days.
But in 3 years time, if it's getting tired, I think I will replace it with the exact one that I took off, if I can get one. We'll see how it goes. This was put on in 2004, so it's had pretty good innings.
Needless to say, it started fine in the garage this morning on the old battery, I may just give it a charge, and keep it as a spare!
I'm happy with what I got for the money, and hopefully it will see me through a good few years.
If you don't mind cutting the terminals off, and fitting round post clamps, go with an 065. If you want to go 1 better, and you want to put some wood in the base to level the floor, go with NickT's choice of an 096 from Halfords, preferably a calcium. That's a monster!
Cheers all