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And the garage get a week to pose around in a Delorean :wink:
VIN: 6511
lol yeah as I left I over heard one of the mechs on the phone saying to someone,"yes mate the Delorean is here when you coming down to look at it" bloody cheek :wink:
DOC # 595
More problems, after he took the rack out the front crumple tube section has a fair amount of corrosion in it,
[Image: crumpletube.jpg]
thats this bit for those that dont know,
the raised plates that the rack attach to are loose at the front and there is a crack on the left hand side just infront of where the rack sits.
Not a good pick but you can just make it out
[Image: DSC00762.jpg]
so a bit more welding to there,
I took beter pics of the bits to be welded at the back before he touches them ,Ill take after pics , so Dan can inspect it later :lol:
[Image: DSC00760.jpg]
[Image: DSC00759.jpg]
DOC # 595
Thats bloody criminal... Why didn't they galvanise them at the factory? :evil:

My car has had some professional chassis work done to the front Allen (PJ Grady I think), and it's close to original, not many would know. The buttom of the valley (The underside, not the topside..... somebody jacked it up, and it made a crater!) though has has a temporary job that will last 10 years more than likely, but needs doing tidy. In all fairness though, it's presentable, and i've been under there personally with a heel bar, and theres no movement in anything.

Hope it comes back to your approval mate!

Yeah Ben couldnt agree more about the galvanizing, ah well we shall see what comes of it, if he can weld it well enuff for mot that will do for now. maybe later in the year take the body off and sort it all out properly.I JUST WANT THE BLOODY THING PLATED..summers coming.. :lol:
DOC # 595
Strange thing rust. My old reliant kitten was 1976 and the chassis was solid all over and that had been driving around in england's lovely weather all its life. No rust anywhere. Yet a 1981 delorean with epoxy coated chassis has rust all over it. :twisted:

I hope you get it all sorted soon. Must be frustrating having it sat there unusable. I'm glad I didn't import one after all!
VIN: 6511
proof all that glitters aint gold :? I dont mind it needing work, just miffed I cant do it myself. where I lived before i had room for 3 deloreans and still swing an oversized cat :lol: ,things are changing for me, I might be moving back to Southampton soon, or near there so hopefully find somewhere with a bit of space, Of course it will mean Stu will be the only Delorean in west wales,,again, this county isnt big enough for 2 of us Smile
but wherever I am in the summer Ill come up for that meet in Swansea, If only to see how much more weight Ben has lost :wink:
DOC # 595
Actually, southampton aint much further away than West Wales for me..... I seem to be farthest away from everyone who's got a delorean, sometimes thats good, but most of the time it's very bad.

Never mind, i'll sulk in silence! LOL
[Image: map.jpg]
DOC # 595
Actually isnt the above map not a bad idea? if it was all of the UK and every Delorean owner was on it, if you coud click on each car and be taken to there home page or a link to their profile,,just a thought Idea
DOC # 595
Thats a really good idea Big Grin Trouble is a lot of club members don't use this forum
VIN: 6511
Reply least Ill take your word for it,but inclusion would be optional, maybe add things like suppliers, PJ,s of course and any other known place that might be handy,,and that doesnt mean Domino's Ben,, :lol:
DOC # 595
just thought,,include forth coming events and meets etc,,over to you admins :lol:
DOC # 595

maybe add to this world wide list ( scroll to RHS for the UK ) ??

I wouldnt put down you exact address thou ...
Or an overlay for google earth to show Delorean locations :wink:
VIN: 6511

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