Hi all
I like to clear up things, first the price has noting to do with Houston, as you know I still have my own parts.
And yes I do go up and down with the price from the stock delorean parts, the Euro Dollar is like a rubber ball.
If you make a exhaust system you like to have a good flow, and all the header pipes neat to have the same length.
Short ones give a little low end torque, the longer ones more HP.
And did you see a formula one exhaust it is all bends and this is absolute no restriction on the gas flow.
that is just the first part, the second one is even on the road more important. The muffler to get a good flow you will not stop the gas when it is on top speed, take the uk muffler and look inside. You see now the left and Right side come together in the middle, and all the gas has to stop 100% and puss down in one pipe. on the bottom it get a gain to the left and right side. A other problem is the noise you get, it sound cheap skinny metal. I did test the open and mid set up, a way to loud for the road in my opinion. A lot of the work is in the muffler, in side we do have no connection from the gas from the right and left bank. The gas stay on full speed, and if you use the right diameter it is almost stock if you drive it normal. Rev it up and thane the fun start, 1200 rpm more and 24 hp compare to a stock car with cat.
![[Image: dsc00801ne7.th.jpg]](http://img390.imageshack.us/img390/1072/dsc00801ne7.th.jpg)
You see the start form building a muffler, over the inner pipe there come a other one and stainless wool around the pipes.
I have don a lot of testing with exhaust systems during my road race years.
It is always what you pay for you get, and for 750 pond????? now way. not in Europe.
You have to see for India or a other cheap country.
And I do believe we have a good setup, but you can alway make a better one.
No one is perfect, and special not in performance parts. A lot is a matter off taste.
Regards Ed Uding