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TheOriginalMrP Wrote:By the way, I didn't realise you was doing the decal kits for the switches.

The ebay link wasn't a direct aim to take business off you, I just saw them and mentioned it.......Ben

Don't be silly, I just had a sheet of them made a years back and slowley sold them it's only a hobby.

The stickers on the link you listed looked brilliant for the money.

Colchester - Essex - UK
TheOriginalMrP Wrote:I'd also be interested in the tinted rear lenses too james as long as they were quick removal. It isn't something i'd keep on the car all of the time, but there are occasions when they would come in handy.......


They attach with small peices of black adhesive velcro so you can whip then on and off in a second.

The peices of velcro are very small and you wouldn't notice them with the lenses removed.

I will let you know as soon as they are available.

Colchester - Essex - UK
Ok, cheers buddy. ... Smile
Just like to say, I met Stu Rees yesterday at his workshop near Cardigan,
Bloody nice bloke..even if he had been to the dentist and therefore was talking a bit quietly,
Hope you feel better today Stu,
DOC # 595
MUCH BETTER :!: , Thanks Al. Having a cold & a numb face made it hard to speak but both have worn off today. We'll need to meet up with the Ds very soon - when the weather gets better!

DOC 116
VIN 6237
Can't meet a nicer guy than Stu! Smile
Were you happy with those stickers Allen? I can honestly say I wasn't totally struck. I thought they would be just like the originals, not white on transparent backing. They look ok, and I only used the fog light one, I'll be changing it for a better one I think......

[Image: 5998097.jpg]

That's the best I can do for the fog light switch for now, I had planned on it not being so ugly, but it looks better than the last one.

By the way, I am now an expert on how to put the switch back together if all the little brass springs fly out...... Not saying no more, but I think they were designed by Rubiks too........
Mine isn't on transparent backing. In fact I didn't realize it was a sticker until I inspected it further. Also my warning light is tapped into the Lambda light on the dash. Its still connected to the lambda counter as well but just doubles up as fog light warning. That was one of the scotchlocks I removed :wink:

Heres a better pic of mine:

[Image: Fog1.jpg]
The black doesn't stand out that much really, the flash has made it look worse.
VIN: 6511
Got to admitt Ben ,no they arnt very like the ones in the car, but I noticed the seller is into Vdub bits,so a bit more european style than american style,
but handy for complaints :wink:
DOC # 595
Ben they are whats known in the trade as boing switches,cos when you open it the spring goes BOOIINNGG and shoots across the room :lol:
DOC # 595
You know what makes it worse? It was the rear heated screen switch. By the time i had faffed about getting the fog light switch in, i came to levelling the switches out, and that one wasnt quite dropping it. I pulled the switch out to splay out the lugs, and thought it would be easier to snap the face off the switch, after all, they come apart easily. But low and behold, it was a mish mash of metal when I tried to push the face back on it. You know, I had to take my new fog light switch apart just to see how the other one went back together, cos i couldnt work it out! I'm a sod to mess with things that are working ok....... LOL
My fisrt "experience" of anything mechanical, Mum and Dad had gone out for the day, I think it was a summer break,,I was bored and saw the vacuum cleaner, so I took it apart just to see how it worked, I was there for ages,,It never did work again after that :lol:
I was about 7
DOC # 595
Dan1986 Wrote:Mine isn't on transparent backing. In fact I didn't realize it was a sticker until I inspected it further.

Hi I think you may have the decals I sell throught, they are each indicidual stickers
and don't have any backing (see the attached pic)


I have sold them to quite a few club members over the years. perhaps somone else can give
you an idea as to whether they are any good or not (I won't take offense)


Colchester - Essex - UK
James, have you got any more of these? My window ones are as new, but I would like a fog light and heated rear window one if you have them available........ Ben
JamesRGUK Wrote:
Dan1986 Wrote:Mine isn't on transparent backing. In fact I didn't realize it was a sticker until I inspected it further.

Hi I think you may have the decals I sell throught, they are each indicidual stickers
and don't have any backing (see the attached pic)


I have sold them to quite a few club members over the years. perhaps somone else can give
you an idea as to whether they are any good or not (I won't take offense)



I have them and they seem to be standing up fairly well. I think they have been on for two years now, however mine is not a daily use car, so this probably helps to extend there life.
Membership Secretary DOC UK
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