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glen and hes gadgets
hi all

just thought i ask a Q

i made a new gadget which will do the following things

open/close doors
windows open/close
bonnet open
central locking open/close
and start the car

from a text from your phone

what you think

i have one on test but if it takes off i will launch it at the nec i have made few gadgets in the past but some of them have fell though due to support in building the software like the tracker i made

my new site will be up and running as soon as i as the first shipment comes from the states

you can buy all props from me or ed uding ( holland ) as ed is going to run the europe side for me

there will be a good discount to club memebers all you need to do if you buy anythink off the site is to put your club membership no in the order which will give you discount and all profit made from club sales will go to club events through Mr bosworth to help out orgernising more wacky and crazzy events

i hope this takes off
its my last chance of trying somethink else but keeping in with the props and building bttf cars

electricail problems ( if there to hard mr Rich will have to help me or the man in a yellow van will :o )

all props from back to the future working fluxs and time controls
ghostbusters gadgets
a team gadgets
and all other mad stuff really that i make or get my hands on

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