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Belts replaced but rubbing?
Regards the fan not kicking in when it should do,I would say the fan switch needs replacing.
There not a great design(lots of different cars use these) and usually fail offen,even if its brand new and only lasts a week! I got the same problem on my car,but just haven't got aound too fitting the new one I brought recently.This will be about my 4th or 5th.
And the aircon belt not sure.
Stuppid question but,it is tentioned properly and going around the two pulleys between the compressor and crank?
Martyn Reed
EX Vin# 6064
Can you post a picture of where the belt is rubbing so I can get a better understanding of the problem?

In short the belt shouldn't rub on anything so either something is adjusted incorrectly or something is not fitted right.

As for the fan not coming on that's most likely related to the Thermostat switch which controls the fans coming on at the right moment, might be as simple as air in th coolant system, did it boil over at all when it over heated? Bleeding the system after a refill can take quite a bit of time to do properly.

Temp gauge in my car reads between the 1st and 2nd notch, it wafts up and down in heavy traffic as the fans come on and off.

Colchester - Essex - UK

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