26 Mar 2010, 22:04
Hi folks,
My name is Lucky Price and when I visited with John once he told me that he thought I had more miles on my machine than anyone he had ever heard of. I owned A 1 from 1984 until 2004. I drove it every day summer and winter in northern NJ USA. I had 685,600 miles on it when I sold it to a fine gentleman named Marc Levi from central New Jersey. I had the opportunity to spend some real quality time with JZD, my wife Linny and I socialized with him and his wife Sally Baldwin on a number of occasions and visited with john at his estate in Lamington , New Jersey. We visited in his office and discussed many topics including his days at General Motors, The Delorean and his ideas for another car that he wanted to build.
My car was on the back cover of the Delorean World calendar in 2006 with the World Trade Center in the background.
I would be hapy to talk Deloreans with any owners. My E-Mail address is luckyw.price@comcast.net.
Talk to you soon,
Capt Lucky
My name is Lucky Price and when I visited with John once he told me that he thought I had more miles on my machine than anyone he had ever heard of. I owned A 1 from 1984 until 2004. I drove it every day summer and winter in northern NJ USA. I had 685,600 miles on it when I sold it to a fine gentleman named Marc Levi from central New Jersey. I had the opportunity to spend some real quality time with JZD, my wife Linny and I socialized with him and his wife Sally Baldwin on a number of occasions and visited with john at his estate in Lamington , New Jersey. We visited in his office and discussed many topics including his days at General Motors, The Delorean and his ideas for another car that he wanted to build.
My car was on the back cover of the Delorean World calendar in 2006 with the World Trade Center in the background.
I would be hapy to talk Deloreans with any owners. My E-Mail address is luckyw.price@comcast.net.
Talk to you soon,
Capt Lucky