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Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Printable Version

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Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Guinney1971 - 04 Mar 2012

I've had this email from Richard Hobbs at Warwick Castle, if you would like an entry form
emailing/posting to you, then please let me know.


Just a quick email to let you know the date for the 2012 Warwick Castle Car Show, and to ask if you would again like to participate in what will undoubtedly be another Grrreat day out – both for those who wish to show their vehicles and for the thousands of Visitors expected.

Please put the date in your diary….

I think you will agree that last years “Planes, Trains and Automobiles” was a huge success, almost entirely due to the wonderful support we enjoyed from all the classic vehicle owners there on the day, and one that we are confident of building on in 2012. I would of course very much like you to be a part of this years show, and in anticipation have attached a Vehicle Details Form to complete and return at your earliest convenience - this will essentially book your place at the Event and I will then be in touch at the beginning of June with more specific Event arrangements.

The Pageant Field will again provide the main Event focus, however the Show and it’s related attractions are entirely vehicle oriented this year and we are looking to include other areas of the Castle not previously used. With this in mind I am hoping to improve on the record number of vehicles present in 2011, and would therefore very much appreciate you passing on this email to club colleagues/friends who you think may wish to come along, show their (appropriate) vehicle and enjoy a complimentary day out in the beautiful surroundings of Britain’s Ultimate Castle.

The long range weather forecast is also a good one…….,

I very much look forward to hearing from you soon, in the meantime please let me know if you require any further information.

Many thanks,


Richard Hobbs | Event Manager?|?Warwick Castle
T +44 (0)1926 406689?|?M +44 (0)7896 996206 |?E

Warwick Castle
Castle Lane
CV34 4QU

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Rissy - 05 Mar 2012

...Since i'm thinking of having LEX down in Rugby around this time, i very may well go to this. It's just along the road for me, and would make a nice day out.

Anyone else thinking of going to this?

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Guinney1971 - 05 Mar 2012

well Phill and I attended last year, as did James Baker who lives near Evesham, and I'd love to go back Smile

It was a top day out, and I'd love to go back, the castle is excellent, and to get to go round it free is a bonus Big Grin

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Rissy - 19 Mar 2012


Any more interest in people going to this?

It looks as though I'm definitely taking LEX to this. Already been roped into taking a Dad in the car for a Father's day gesture. lol!

I've still to get a form and get it filled in. Guess i'll be doing this very soon...

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Guinney1971 - 19 Mar 2012

well its still touch and go as to whether I can go, as it all hinges on whether my car is fixed as to
if it goes anywhere this year.

We may well switch to the Donington event, as its nearer for us, and if my De is still off the road, I
can always take the Avantime instead.

I'll email James and see if he's going to Warwick Castle, he went last year and really enjoyed himself.

Either way Rissy, even if it is just you there, you'll have a fab day out and you're guaranteed to be the
centre of attention Smile

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Rissy - 31 May 2012

...Got my attendance instructions for this show now. Getting excited!

I've never been to the castle before, but looking at the map they've given me, highlighting where I'm to position LEX for the day, it "seems" that I've been given probably the best area, right beside the castle (Zone 4 they call it). Quite please about that. Smile

I just hope my less than perfect (some say shabby, which I can't argue with) bumpers on the car don't let it down next to the other cars. Hopefully it'll be a nice sunny day, and the stainless will make up for it lol! :lol:

Shopping list: Oil drip tray :wink:

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Guinney1971 - 31 May 2012

nice one Chris, make sure you take plenty of piccies, and maybe a good write up for the Club mag?

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Rissy - 01 Jun 2012

Guinney1971 Wrote:nice one Chris, make sure you take plenty of piccies, and maybe a good write up for the Club mag?

Thanks Claire! I'll definitely be taking my camera, and taking loads a pics. I'll see what I can come up with for the magazine (Although i'll admit i'm unsure of what I can write right now other than "took car to show. Showed car. Took car home again at the end of the day" lol!)

I WAS going to get round to doing a tech write up about my changing out of my steering rack for the magazine, but due to recent quarrelling about that topic on another i'm not so sure. lol!

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Chris Williams - 04 Jun 2012

Quote:but due to recent quarrelling about that topic on another post
Would not worry about that, at the end of the day we all have different opinions, and to be fair none of us had all the facts, as yet.
I have done a fair few articles for the magazine and I'm sure there have been lots of readers that have not thought I have done something right. BUT a lot of people simply want guidence and pictures of how things are done, as it helps to give someone else confidence on how things are done.


Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - TheOriginalMrP - 10 Jun 2012

This is not as far as I first thought and I must say that after my DeLorean fix at Evesham yesterday, in the way of Rissy's car "Lex" - I am highly tempted. I think I may have left it a little late to get entry now though.... :-(

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Guinney1971 - 13 Jun 2012

just get in touch with them Ben, the more the merrier is the jist of things that I've had from the organisers Big Grin

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Rissy - 18 Jun 2012

....So I went to the show day. As suspected/known, I was the only DeLorean there for the day (I got LOTS of attention as a result I think). I got put in a very prestigious place for the day too (Right on the entrance to the Peacock Garden). As the girl checking me off upon entrance into the compound said "Oh, you're one of the POSH cars! You're right up the far end near the castle" lol! I was quite taken back by this one, as was the g/f. :lol: (Especially since I had some technical issues, twice on the motorway trying to get there, and also get there on time before the allowance for entry was closed off for the attending cars. I made it in 2 mins late, but they waved me through anyway. - So yes, "POSH!" :lol: )

So, the day was a very good one. Lots of people, questionable weather for the first half of the day, but then glorious sunshine and warmth in the afternoon (perfect for drying out the car again fast), and right through until the end of the day getting home again (thankfully, after the episode of trying to get there in the first place!)

Lots to do there, and since it was all free due to being an exhibitor (except the dungeon stuff) it was a really good day out for me, and the g/f. I had both her parents, and my uncle/auntie/cousin coming along too, and I was simply astonished at the costs they had to pay to attend the day. I would recommend going for anyone that hasn't been before, but also, I would say either dig deep into those pockets for it, or simply go to the 2013 Father's Day Classic Car Gathering! 8)

I met, and talked to many nice people, some from the TVR crowd (over 30 of them turned up!)
I talked to a very nice guy in the Lotus crowd, who has invited me to bring LEX along to some of their meets, which they hold one every 2nd last weekend of every month, just down the road from me!
I also got talking to a Ferrari owner, fairly young guy, who's g/f also lives in Rugby! His car was very nice, and expensive, but much to my surprise, he wasn't an idiot, as you would expect most Ferrari car owners to be.
I even talked to guys who own somewhat lower profile cars, like the owner of a Vauxhall Viva Mk1. He owns one after working to make them, many years ago, and in fact he saved his car at the last minute from the crusher, and has been a work in progress for the last 18yrs! 2/3 of the way through his restoration, with his car sitting in his driveway, some young idiot came along and set fire to his car cover, and the damage caused both put him back by many months, but also cost him hundreds, if not thousands extra in the outlay to the work he has done to his wee car. Such a shame. Some people eh! GGggrrrrr!!! :evil:

Anyway, I've taken LOADS of photos, probably too many to put up here, but I'll choose a select few and get them up soon. Watch this space....

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Guinney1971 - 19 Jun 2012

glad you had a good day out, its an excellent event and we really enjoyed it last year.

Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Rissy - 19 Jun 2012

As promised, here is a selection of photos from the day. I have TOO many to put them all up! Hope you enjoy these though...

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Re: Warwick Castle Fathers Day event, Sunday 17th June 2012 - Guinney1971 - 22 Jun 2012

great photos Rissy, its certainly an awesome view from the castle ramparts! Big Grin