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A cautionary tale PLEASE READ - Printable Version

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A cautionary tale PLEASE READ - Darren C - 27 Mar 2008

Hi All,
Please read this, it may save you from the same fate that befell me; and as they say truth is stranger than fiction.

It all began last November when I went out for an hour to get one of my cars MOT’d. Upon return to my modest home in a small usually quiet village, I found an “abandoned 10 year old 306” parked on my driveway at 45 Degrees. For those of you who don’t know me I have a large private driveway two cars wide that leads to an open area in front of my house and two large double garages finished in block pave.
As the 306 was a clear 5 feet up my drive and at 45 Deg it completely stopped any access to or from my home or garages. I had no option but to park in the roadway and try and find out who this unwelcome visitor was. After knocking all the doors in my Avenue and checking the Church across the road, no one knew whom this car belonged to.
After about 45 minutes I was becoming desperate as I run a wedding car business and couldn’t get my cars out of the garage and was in danger of leaving a Bride stranded. It was around 10:30 and I needed to be on the road by 12 noon.
Anyhow to cut a long story short, after asking dog walkers and passers by someone recognised the car as belonging to a retired woman living in another street. They offered to go and knock her door. About 10 minutes later she arrived on the scene and started straight into a verbal assault on me for causing her “distress” through having so may cars that destroy the environment, and the impact it was having in our village and the surrounding roads; and the worry it was causing her. She had “no option” but to protest by blocking my drive!
To make matters worse she refused to move the car and walked off.

Now this is the part you need to pay attention to.

During the abuse I asked her to politely remove the car. She refused.
I warned her that if she didn’t move the car I would. She refused.

At this stage I knew as the car was on my property (private property), the Police would be powerless to do anything other than talk to her, as it was a civil dispute. Based on the following I had to make a decision;

1. Obstruction to my right of way.
2. Disruption to my business (Not being able to honour the contract I had to take a bride to church)
3. Infringement of my human rights and reasonable enjoyment of my property.
4. The fact the damn thing was leaking oil on my drive.

I broke the small quarter light window, unlocked the door, took off the handbrake and pushed it off my drive and onto the road.


Later on in the evening, BANG BANG BANG on the door and I was arrested and taken down the nick for Criminal Damage and held for 4 hours, then released on Bail.

Following appointment of a Solicitor this is what I should have done. TAKE HEED.

1. Waited 90 days and applied for a court order to remove the vehicle, during which time I should not attempt to move or interfere with it in any way shape or form as it leaves me wide open to prosecution.
2. I should not instruct a third party to immobilise or remove the vehicle as this would be illegal as I have no signage or license from the Borough Council to do so.
3. In pushing the car onto the road I then become “responsible” in law for any claim the owner makes. So if they got a parking ticket or hit by another car, I would have to foot the bill. Hypothetically if the owner left it there until the Tax and Insurance expired I would have to face any fine!
4. As the car was then my responsibility I was cautioned and told I (ME) could face charges of obstructing a public highway!
5. If I had had my gates closed to prevent her parking on my drive they must be physically locked, or she would still be free to open then and park on my property. Alternatively her friend could cut off the lock (albeit that part would be criminal damage to the value of the lock only) and then she could still park on my drive.
6. If I or anyone else had moved it, and claimed ignorance I would still be prime suspect and been arrested in the same manner and gone to trial.

So there you are the law is well and truly an ASS, and as I was told today “there is no reasonable excuse for criminal damage.”

Oh and the happy ending…..I wish I could say there was one. Unfortunately I was in Court this afternoon and had to pay legal costs £000’s and compensation £00’s to the Green Peace Fruit Cake for a £50 piece of glass!

Just remember this is a residential property in a small leafy village, it could happen to you.
My last advice; well if your ever in town and can’t find a parking space just use someone’s drive. After all you’ll have more rights than the owner and you could get a health financial reward for doing so.

But watch out as I’m about to file a Personal Prosecution for Trespass, at more cost, as on principle I cannot let this go…watch this space


- Chris Williams - 27 Mar 2008

What a mad, sad world we seem to live in Sad :x

- MikeH - 27 Mar 2008

park one of your cars on her front lawn, i would

- stunned_monkey - 27 Mar 2008

As someone who listens to Radio 2 every day, this is absolutely the sort of story the Jeremy Vine show loves to cover.

Today (with his stand-in, Jeremy's on holiday) we heard from a guy who got dragged through the courts for cycling up a one-way street. He was caught by no fewer than 5 police officers waiting at the end of the road. Obviously there were no other incidents worth dealing with in Greenwich that day.

They recently covered the story of a guy who was prosecuted for using a mobile phone while driving, because he took the switched off phone out of his pocket to put it on the dashboard as it was digging into his leg.

There's a link to e-mail your story in. It'd be great if they got her on the show, she'd be torn to shreds by the listners

- dmckelv12 - 27 Mar 2008

Wait 90 days??!!!!! Shock I bet theres no claim for loss of earnings?!

Funny ole' people!

- Chris Hawes - 27 Mar 2008

Humans... don't you just love them. What kind of muppets allowed there to be enough screw ups in law development to end up with it weighed against the land owner!

If she does it next time have a set of trolly jacks ready to harmlessly move the car to the side of your driveway (so that it remains on your property) and install a wheel clamping zone complete with sign stating a large fine for removal of the wheel clamp. Also state that cars not released/payment received within say 30 days that the vehicle will be auctioned off to cover the fine...

Reply - Darren C - 27 Mar 2008

Hi Chris,

If I moved it within my property then I accept it on my land.
I cannot legally clamp or put signs up without a license from the council.

I really was between a rock and a hard place.


- A Van - 27 Mar 2008

The muppets you mention Chris are successive governments......most of the system these days is weighed in favour of the perpetrator, rather than the usually innocent victim.

No doubt this particular perpetrator is sitting at home content with her "mission accomplished" (in her eyes anyway) listening to her "Indonesian Chanting"music, whilst you try and salvage some justice from the corrupt system.
I am surprised she had the time to spare from her "Didgeredoo Workshop", or her no doubt daily read of the " Ultimate Guide to all Non Western Cultures", alongside the staple diet of "Lentils with Organic Tree Bark Bake", washed down with "Homemade Nettle Beer"

Vermin is too good a word to describe the lowlife drivel that roam our streets carrying out absurdities like this wasting yet more of our taxpayers money.



- stunned_monkey - 27 Mar 2008

should have put a handful of sand in the oil too...

- Dodgy Motor - 27 Mar 2008

Sorry to hear that Darren, It is very surprising isn't it how many "rights" car owners have regarding their unattended vehicle and I understand your need for , getting even, but my advice would be don't bother , from what little knowledge I have of the law, trespass is only an offence if damage has occured and the only one doing the damage ,in the eyes of the law,was you :roll:
If any thing just make sure you "guard " against it happening again, maybe some iron tyre spikes that can be raised when you are out and lowered when you return home, of course with warning signs ,
I know you shouldnt have to take these measures but at leaste it shouldnt happen again Smile

- Barson - 28 Mar 2008

Could you have parked your car (abandoned it) behind hers and blocked her in?

do the old switcheroo? (but it would probably inconvenience you, i guess)

- bozzzydmc - 28 Mar 2008

Sorry to read about your troubles Darren. Not that this helps but...

I heard of a similar story from a work collegue .. He dragged the car out of his way with a 4x4 onto the main road and just stood with it as he called the police about an 'abandoned' car causing an obstruction / hazard to the highway .. it soon got carted away...

- NickT - 28 Mar 2008

Environment my arse. She's just an old mad woman with no life who listens to every bit of crap that is said on TV regarding this environmental tax, erm, I mean climate change. I wouldn't be surprised if there will be a "Fart" tax soon......

If it was me I'd have probably done what Bozzzy suggested or just set it on fire denying all knowledge.

As with what Al says too. Kids with knifes seem to be OK but damn you if you think about moving an obstruction on your property.

Keep up with the principle but as she is retired the courts will probably see you as Mr Moneybags that can pay a fine and it will go in her favour. All wrong but good luck.


- hana 5284 - 28 Mar 2008

shoot the bitch

- bozzzydmc - 28 Mar 2008

hana 5284 Wrote:shoot the bitch

Yes thats really what i wanted to say !

In self defence of course !

Smile LOL...