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Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Printable Version

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Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Guinney1971 - 11 Nov 2012

wow, car looks amazing, well done mate.

Do you think he could have got a bigger trailer? :lol:

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - flux3d - 11 Nov 2012

Cheers Claire. Yeah, that's one hell of a long trailer, and what's with the 4X4 truck pulling it? Did make me laugh when I saw the picture. The car looks so small at the top of that thing!

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Guinney1971 - 11 Nov 2012

lol, it must be big to make an American Truuuuck look small !! :lol:

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Dangermouse - 12 Nov 2012

Probably not even a 4x4 pulling it.

Just a big engined (probably even petrol, not diesel) RWD with 4 wheels on the rear axle, dual wheels on each side.

There are lots of those "duallies" pick up trucks here with "fifth wheels" in the bed for hauling long car trailers like this one or those monster RV caravan type things.

It's weird to see a pickup truck hauling such a trailer with 2 or 3 other pickups on it.

People use them for daily transport too. Fantastic mpg (or maybe gpm)

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - flux3d - 12 Nov 2012

Wow, interesting Dangermouse. Maybe the truck sent on to collect more cars on the way to Baltimore. Certainly room for them on that thing. Does look strange though.

Shame the ship doesn't leave until Monday the 19th now. Another week with the car just sitting there in Baltimore. Hope its ok........ Shock

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Dangermouse - 12 Nov 2012

flux3d Wrote:Wow, interesting Dangermouse. Maybe the truck sent on to collect more cars on the way to Baltimore. Certainly room for them on that thing. Does look strange though.


That's typically what happens.

A North Carolina owner accidentally starred in a program here called "Shipping Wars" where the truck drivers bid on delivering items: ... arine.html

Search for the "Flux capacity" episode on youTube but I don't know if it available anywhere.

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Starglider - 16 Nov 2012

flux3d Wrote:It was then fitted (soon after leaving the factory) with a period cruise control unit, the switch for is located in the spot normally used for the clock. Strange!

This inspired me to track down an 80s style (new old stock) cruise control unit for my DMC-12 rebuild. Smile
Since I am installing the digital clock, the control panel will have to go next to the cigarette lighter.

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Darren C - 16 Nov 2012

Good god NO! Shock

4532 had a retro cruise control fitted when I shipped it back. What a nightmare!

There was a speed pick wire locked around one CV joint, a sensor on a bracket connected to the gearbox, a vacuum bellows and chain that pulled on the engine throttle, vac pipes everywhere, a box of tricks that fills the cubby hole behind the seat, a switch setting control screwed to the knee pad, and a whole birds nest of telecom type cable cut, spliced, and scotch locked into your wiring loom.

NO NO NO NO. :evil:

I cut it out and threw it so hard that if you live with 100 miles of me it may have landed in your dustbin. Big Grin

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Starglider - 16 Nov 2012

Darren C Wrote:I cut it out and threw it so hard that if you live with 100 miles of me it may have landed in your dustbin. Big Grin

I did a bit of research on reliable low-impact vs non-reliable high-impact solutions. Smile

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Darren C - 17 Nov 2012

Unless your driving from one side of the USA to another then Cruise control is a waste of time, effort and money.

You cant go 2 miles in the UK without touching your brake pedal these days which cancels Cruise Control.

Do you seriously think that you are frequently going to travel such long distances in your Delorean on UK roads that you NEED cruise control??


Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Starglider - 18 Nov 2012

Darren C Wrote:Do you seriously think that you are frequently going to travel such long distances in your Delorean on UK roads that you NEED cruise control??

No, no I don't. I just have a compulsive obession with gadgetry that I should probably seek psychiatric help for.

That said I did used to get quite a lot of use out of the cruise control on my Allroad, when I used to travel around the UK doing on-site work (spent many hours on motorways in the early hours of the morning). Since I began working in London full-time that car only gets out at weekends and rarely further than the M25, so definitely not.

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Darren C - 18 Nov 2012

Well, your in the right place here.....we all need psychiatric help. :lol:

My advice for what its worth, is don't do it. There's enough shocking electrical/mechanical flaws on a Delorean already. You dont want to add another. :wink:

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - flux3d - 18 Nov 2012

Very true about a cruise control being pointless in the UK. have one on my Seat Leon and have only ever used it on the M69, early in the morning or late at night. I think it'll be one of the first things I'll look at removing when the car gets here, then try to put back something like the original clock.

Mind you, strange that it might have had a clock in the first place. Maybe it was one of the "cross-over" cars which had both. Shame it was taken out. Then again it might just have had the hole for the clock with a blanking plate added.

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - flux3d - 21 Nov 2012

Can you believe it. Had it all sorted for the car to go into P J Grady when she got into port and have all the UK MOT mods done and new springs/lower ball joints fitted, not to mention a once over by Chris and the damn boiler decided to give up the ghost. Now just about all the remaining cash I have will have to go on fixing that rather than sorting out the DeLorean. Starting to think I'm cursed! Probably just about have enough to pay the VAT and get her back her, then have the lights as an xmas present. I'll just have to fit them myself. As for the lower springs, who knows.......might have to do those as well in the xmas hols or the new year.

How hard are they to fit if you have the right spring compressors, jacks etc? Many people done it?

Re: Import of VIN #10719 halted by Hurricane Sandy - Chris Williams - 21 Nov 2012

Lots have, not to hard a job, but a bit fiddly. Why not leave it though for a while until: A. more funds allow as you will no doubt find other things you want to do whilst your there (nature of working on a 30 yr old car) and B. weather will be better, you never know you may like it as it is!

Probably easier to explain when you get the car also there is a how to hear: